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The wolf leads me on a path that I've walked many times as I worked in this forest. There is a thick nest of trees to the side that the wolf then moves between. I follow, squeezing myself through the thick trunks and my mouth drops as I reach the other side. A wide path opens up and I see an open meadow dotted with trees.

The golden retriever barks and runs towards a path in the trees on the other side of the meadow. I follow and the wolf pads alongside me. I feel a whoosh overhead and look up to see the owl above my head. It also flies through the same break in the trees the dog ran through. A cry screams above us and I see the eagle circling overhead. I scan the area for the others.

Where are the rabbit, coyote, and tiger?

I approach the path in the trees that the dog ran through and I see another path. I look down at the wolf who is by my side, "Where are you guys taking me, huh?" I know there is more going on here than meets the eye, but can these animals lead me to Bangtan?

The wolf nudges my leg to keep going. I sigh and walk through the trees down the path that he indicates. As we walk, I listen to the wind through the trees, the leaves rustling. I smell the earth that turns up under my feet. I notice the light is changing as dusk approaches. The light rays are becoming more pronounced and angled. I hope we get to Bangtan soon.

We walk down the path and I try to keep the way in my head but these animals hide their secrets well and I know I'd be lost if I tried to do this alone, eventually, we walk out onto a wider path and the sound under my feet now sounds familiar. I close my eyes for a moment just to check. Yup, this sounds like what I walked on when we left the house. Sure enough, I see a wooden house with a large wrap-around deck appear in the distance. I shouldn't call it a house. It's like a mansion masquerading as a cabin. I can see four floors nestled against the base of a cliff. There is a wrap-around porch with stairs that lead down to a long wooden walkway in front.

As we move closer, I see someone come out of the house and stand on the porch. The wolf and dog move to my sides and I can see the owl sitting on the railing of the porch. The man waits patiently, a serious look on his face, but not an unwelcome one. His hair, which I took for light blond in the club, now looks white in the waning sunlight. I notice the sound change when I step from the dirt to the wooden walkway. That confirms that I have been here twice. I know I'm meeting Bangtan now. I'm now expectant as I approach the white-haired man.

"Hello, there, Dr. L/N. I'm Namjoon, How can I help you?" This man has a sexy voice that is firm. I know I'm looking at the mysterious dominant voice from the night of my campout. I feel like shivering at the sound of it. What in the world is wrong with me?

"I deserve some answers after last night, don't you think?" I reply bluntly.

He nods and gestures to the door and I follow him into his home. Now that I'm not blindfolded or overwhelmed by a game of chase, I take a good look around me. I see the cabin theme has been maintained. All the furniture is wood, but well-padded and in warm shades of grey, blue and green. There are multiple seating arrangements in the large room. It looks like a very comfortable home.

The wolf, dog, and owl follow us inside. I watch them move about the room taking up places on the furniture.

"Should the wolf be sitting on the couch?" I ask as I place my backpack near the door and move into the room.

"He's fine. Please take a seat." Namjoon offers me a seat.

I sit down on a couch opposite where the wolf is laying. I think of how much vacuuming one would need to do with wolf hair everywhere. I smile to myself at the random thought but return my attention to the mystery man with the sexy voice. Now that I'm closer to him, I look at his eyes. No longer do they look bright red, but seem to have a jeweled brown look with a hint of red at the edges. Contacts?

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