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Who knew this song would so perfectly fit my story?

Namjoon's POV

Namjoon watches Y/N eating dinner with the family after the river excursion and smiles to himself. He knew she'd fit in well with everyone. Her friendly manner made it hard to not like her. He and the boys had fallen head over heels in love with her and he could see she was having the same effect on his family.

He thought about that afternoon in the river and smiled at how Jimin and the others were subtly playing with Y/N, getting her a little riled. Building excitement and anticipation, even if they couldn't really do anything with her. Now that she wasn't trying to force intimacy on them, they felt relaxed enough to be close with her. They needed to be careful though, the full moon was less than a week away. He could feel the need to mate building within himself and he knew it would be the same for the others. Jungkook always had a harder time around the full moon.

Now that they actually had a mate, they might have to lock all of them up in the cave under the cabin to get them through it without going after Y/N. Her scent was a siren's call that they all wanted to bury themselves in. Sitting on the raft, while Jimin had teased her leg had been such sweet torture. How he wished his animal self could snuggle in so easily.

The bond was building. The strands that attached them together were strengthening. He felt the pull to her like a call becoming harder and harder to resist. As she sat in her green bathing suit, long legs curved under her, every curve on display for him and the others to enjoy, he wanted to scoop her up and take her away from all other eyes. To unwrap her from the suit and lay claim...

Namjoon shook himself out of the daydream. Catching his thoughts going where he couldn't let them go. He was still poisonous to her and if he indulged the daydreams of making love to her, it would just make it harder to keep her safe.

He just wished those blood tests had been conclusive.

Dr. Kim had come to him and told him that they couldn't determine if she was immune or not. In the lab, her blood and theirs acted like they didn't even know the other existed. Unlike any other blood sample that would be destroyed by their blood, hers simply ignored it.

"On the surface, I'd say she is immune, but the reaction is so bizarre that I don't want to suggest she is safe from harm." He then left, leaving Namjoon to ponder what it could mean.

When he took the results to Yoongi to look over, he agreed with the doctor's conclusion. "This suggests that she's either immune or protected from the effects of the poison. As our mate, that would be the best of both worlds. I have to agree with the doctor's conclusion, the lack of interaction at all makes it suspicious and therefore not particularly safe to test if she would survive being close to us."

His claws clenched in irritation on the tree he was sitting on, breaking off some of the bark. They had to come up with some kind of solution before they reached the full moon. Their mating instincts would take over then and now that they had a confirmed mate that they and their animal selves recognized, it would be an all-out hunt to mate with her.

As his thoughts mull over the possibilities he sends out a call to the others, "Let's keep the teasing down to a minimum for the rest of the week. I know we're all feeling the pull, but I don't want us losing control as we approach the full moon."

"It's hard when she smells so good. Her skin tastes so sweet." Jungkook's thoughts make everyone groan.

"Jungkook, you aren't helping," Yoongi complains.

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