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"Just breath and think of your other form." Taehyung's deep voice murmurs in my ear, making me shiver. I was sitting on the floor with him wrapped around behind me.

"You mean, the form I still haven't seen?" I growl, frustrated. Trying to transform into something you have no idea what you look like is an exercise in total frustration. The boys are great, don't get me wrong, they saw what I looked like, but that doesn't help me visualize anything. They've also been transforming for 500 years. It's like second nature to them. They explained that they do it mostly by feeling the animal form and then the transformation happens. Yeah, well, I'm trying to change into another human. We all feel the same inside. Arms, legs...Heck, maybe if my other form was male this would be easier because at least one part of the body would feel different.

I snort in laughter at the thought.

"What's so funny?" Jungkook asks. The rest of my guys are sitting around me, trying to help give me pointers on how they transform. Taehyung massages my shoulders trying to keep me relaxed.

"Nothing, just a random thought." A hint of a smile hovers over my lips as I try to keep a sense of humor about this whole thing. I can't take it out on them, it's not anybody's fault I can't figure this out. The deck is stacked against me a little. Trying to remember how to do something that I knew how to do as a baby just isn't working.

"Search for the magic within you," Hobi says. I try to feel for anything that could be manipulated, and except for the strands, I don't feel anything else.

With one last huff, I open my eyes and look into the eyes of my mates. "Sorry, guys. I just can't feel anything different. Maybe if I had seen my face during the ceremony bubble, that would help, but I didn't feel all that different."

'It's okay," Namjoon reassures me. "You've been at this for an hour. You should take a break." I nod at his words and just lay back on the floor, tired and frustrated that I can't make this work. How am I going to beat the witch if I can't access my own power?

The phone rings catching our attention.

"Hello?" Jin answers but soon his face lights up. "She's here? Really?"

I open my eyes at his words, who is here? I see that the other guys are also looking at Jin.

"Who's here?" Jimin asks.

"Daniel, sure, bring her here." Jin smiles as he ends the call.

"Who is coming here?" I ask.

"Mindy's mom," Jin replied with a smile.

"Really? She's here?" Namjoon smiled.

"She used to be a vet here, right?" I asked.

Taehyung nodded, "She was the best. Our animals loved her. She got cancer a few years ago and we stepped in to help with the costs."

"She was our favorite vet. She just had a way with people and animals that everyone loved." Yoongi said.

"Then why didn't you keep her?" I asked him.

"She wanted to be a mom. It's ironic that her daughter now works here as our vet."

"Mindy isn't as warm," Jungkook grumbles.

"Not everyone can be awesome," I comment.

"You are," Hobi says as he kisses the side of my head.

"Why is she coming here? I thought nobody knew besides Daniel and Mrs. Kim?" I ask.

"She has a special reason for getting to know us," Namjoon explains.

"What reason is that?"

"She couldn't reveal what we were," Yoongi said.

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