* 15 *

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I sit in a car waiting for Daniel and Brenden to join me. Daniel told both of us that we had a meeting with Bangtan after work and I got here first. The aftermath of the accident made for a hectic day. We had to order a new survey for the broken cliff face and figure out how to remove the Semi before it crashed down the cliff face. We also had to block off any access to the gorge below so that if the truck did finish falling, it wouldn't hurt anyone. Bangtan had given the crew some time off to recover and gave them a hazard bonus. The men were happy that they were being taken care of so well. The men were quick to reassure Daniel that they would be back to work as soon as their recovery time was over. No wonder nobody ever gossipped about the weird stuff that happened in this forest, the Group took care of everyone so well that they were crazy loyal.

Brenden went through the day with a slightly wild look in his eyes. I knew that look well. I'd been feeling that way ever since getting here.

The car door opened and Daniel got into the driver's seat while Brenden sat in the back. Daniel turns to both of us. "I know Y/N already knows Bangtan's secret, but Brenden, you are about to learn what is going on. Both of you will also have a different contract if you accept them. The NDA you've already signed is still in effect for everything you learn here tonight, but you will no longer be on the ten-year restriction. You will have lifetime jobs. Brenden, This is especially important for you as you are the best Foreman we've ever had. This is why Bangtan wants to keep you and they showed you what they did. If you are too bothered by what you've seen so far, we can stop here and you will be compensated accordingly. What is your decision?"

Brenden doesn't bat an eyelash, "I said their secret is safe with me. Let's go."

I smile at his reaction and Brenden gives me a wink as Daniel turns around and drives us to Bangtan's cabin. I never noticed this road before and I feel a little chagrined that the animals took me through a crazy walk in the trees when they could have just as easily walked me to their cabin on this road. I roll my eyes at the thought.

Daniel parks in front of their cabin and Brenden whistles at the size of the cabin mansion. "I didn't even realize this was here."

"You weren't supposed to," Daniel comments before we get out of the car. As Brenden gets out of the car, his eyes go wide.

Standing on the porch are 3 men. One is holding a large owl. Bright red eyes announce more than anything else that they are not normal men. The owl takes off from Jin's arm and swoops down to land on Brenden's arm. After his initial moment of surprise, he gently pets the large bird, speaking softly. I can see the love and respect for this animal that lights Brenden's eyes. He has a close relationship with Hoseok's owl. I look up at Jin and Yoongi standing on the porch as they watch Brenden quietly communicate with Hoseok.

Namjoon comes down the stairs and introduces himself to Brenden, "I'd shake your hand, but they are already full." Both men smile.

"Who am I holding?" Brenden asks him.

"You're holding Hoseok, at the moment." Namjoon smiles.

"I've worked with you all in your animal forms for so long, it is amazing to me that you are human. It explains so much" Brenden breathes.

The owl takes off from his arm and flies back up to the porch, transforming back into Hoseok.

"I don't know how human we are anymore, but let me introduce you to our team so you can place a face with their animal." Namjoon motions for us to follow him into the cabin.

"I'm the eagle," Namjoon starts, once Brenden has sat down. He points to the other members of Bangtan in turn, "Jin is the wolf. Yoongi is the coyote. Taehyung, who we call V is the tiger, Jimin is the golden retriever, Jungkook is the rabbit and you already met Hoseok's owl." I startle a bit to learn V's real name. They hadn't told me that. I look at V across the room and his serious eyes turn to mine and he winks before looking back to Brenden. What was that? Why am I blushing?

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