* 28 *

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I feel...euphoric from the pleasure my body just experienced. Every limb feels limp and satisfied. Jin may not have physically made love to me, but what we just went through was all I could hope for. If we ever make it to an actual bed together, I might die of pleasure before their fangs could ever rip me apart. To be made love to from within, where feelings are real, where no deception can exist made me relax and trust the love between us even more.

And I loved him with everything I had.

In this numb and blissed-out space, I can feel that the strands have started to change. Jin's have changed the most, but all of them feel stronger. No longer are they loopy and flexible strings. There is a strength to them, a stiffness as if they are holding onto me with more power. Like strings on a guitar, bound together with my heart, never letting go.

Not that I want to ever let go.

Images start to coalesce in my mind, pieces of my dreams that I now know are memories. No longer is the image of Jin fuzzy. I can see him clearly in the cave, standing next to a fuzzy Namjoon trying to convince me to put the rabbit down and return to my class trip. I don't know how I ever forgot this. Jin transformed into his wolf, I smile remembering I thought he was a dog and led me back. His long black tail acted as an anchor for my small hands. I can sense Jimin nearby as the golden retriever, but he's not clear. The rabbit isn't clear either. Only Jin is seen clearly in this memory. Weird. I wonder why that is?

As I take stock of my emerging consciousness, I remember that Jin and I kissed pretty spectacularly. Gah, he's a great kisser. Fangs and all. Shoot, the venom! As soon as I can get out of satisfied-land I'll need to get some anti-toxin. Maybe I should start carrying some with me? I try to sense if the venom is already hurting me, but I'm so blissed out from the after-affect of our strands-love-making that I can't feel anything else but numb.

I was numb when I broke Yoongi's strand too, is there a connection, or maybe it's the venom already taking effect? I need to wake up and find out. Now that I've had a taste of what this feels like, I have to have more. I need to find an answer to combating the venom that is preventing me from loving them as I want to. I have to connect with each of them. I need all the strands to feel like what I now have with Jin. I need this. I need them.

In this world of numb sensation, I feel two pricks in my neck. Did someone just bite me? Jin as a sexy Dracula crosses my mind and I can't help but smile at the image. Gah, he's gorgeous.

"She's smiling," a voice sounds loud in my head.

"Y/N! Can you hear me? Wake up, baby. We need you to wake up for us now," A different voice calls.

"Give her time guys, the anti-toxin has to start working." Oh, that's Yoongi's voice. Another sexy vampire that I can't get enough of.

"The anti-toxin isn't a cure and this is her second dose of venom." A worried Taehyung cautions.

I would have taken a million doses of venom if I could experience this type of connection with each of them. I begin to feel aches and discomfort where before all I felt was contentment. I frown as my body changes from relaxed to uncomfortable. I don't think I like this feeling. Bring back the blissed-out feeling I had before.

"Just be thankful I bit my arm and not her," I hear Jin reply crossly.

"Stop arguing, your not helping things by placing blame," Hobi snaps.

Who is all here? I hope they are not too mad at Jin and me, but I don't regret a single moment. I feel the guys moving around, but my body stays unresponsive to me. I can't seem to get it to wake up and I feel like I need a pain killer.

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