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"Don't worry, I've got you,"  A soft voice says in my ear as I'm carried through the forest. 

I don't know where I'm going, but I'm not afraid. The arms around me are gentle but comfortably carry me in a bridal hold. Whoever is holding me isn't even breathing hard. I'm not exactly little, but I feel light as a feather in this person's arms.

I hear the forest floor give way to a wooden deck, and my captor carries me up a few steps, and then the sounds of the forest change and muffle, so I assume we've entered a room. A door closes, and that confirms it. 

"Place her on the chair,"  I hear a male dominant voice say. It's sexy and commanding but not harsh.

"Sorry,"  I hear a husky, soft male voice whisper in my ear as I'm set down sending shivers down my spine.   I'm not tied up nor restrained, so I wait patiently for whatever is going to happen.  

"We shouldn't be doing this,"  a clear male voice whispers.

"Then you shouldn't have let them get away from you," that male-dominant voice replies back.

Who got away?  And what does it have to do with me?  I now have a hunch in whose presence I'm sitting. 

"Dr. (L/N), please forgive the unusual circumstances, but if you please, keep the blindfold on."  The sexy dominant voice instructs.  I nod my head and try to listen to see if there are just the three males in this room or anyone else. 

"Normally, when we have new employees stay the night in the woods, it's to test how comfortable they are alone at night in them.  You've done great, by the way.  But we know some of our special animals got into your tent, and we need to make sure that you are okay and that you understand our situation before you commit to working with us."

"What situation are you referring to?"  I ask.  Yup, it's who I thought it was. 

"First, let's make sure those scratches are taken care of."  

"Pardon me; I'm just touching the scratches,"  A deep, sexy voice says before hands gently check the tears in my jeans and shirt.

"I wasn't scratched much. Nothing deep that needed tending to,"

"Our animals are very special, and sometimes a scratch is more than it looks,"  the deep voice replies. His hands are quick and professional.  Not touching my body more than it takes to check each spot that I knew to be a tear in my clothing.

"Do I need to be worried, then?"  I ask.

"No, nothing broke the skin, so you are fine."  The deep voice was very reassuring and gentle.

"That's good to know. Can I take off the blindfold now?"

"No," repeated the dominant voice. "You were told in your interview that we are very private. We guard our identity very carefully. We find that it allows us the freedom to work as we need to."  Yup, it must be the Bangtan group.  I wonder how many of them there are?

"Unusual, but I suppose if everyone knew what you looked like, you'd get harassed when in town.  Your group is well respected. I can live with this condition."   This is a load of poppycock.  I want to see what these men look like.  Their voices keep sending shivers of pleasure down my spine.  It would be my luck, though, if they were as ugly as their voices were sexy.

"I'm glad to hear it,"  the dominant voice says. I feel hands take my arms, and I'm pulled out of my seat into a standing position. "We'll now return you to your tent.  If you make it to the morning, the job is yours.  Dr. Castor will give you the rest of the materials you need for your training.  It was nice to meet you, Dr. (L/N). 

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