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I went back to work because staying at the cabin was driving me crazy. Too many questions and no answers to any of them. Bangtan told me that I could take time off work until we worked out this situation at the new moon in a week's time, but all I ended up doing was dwelling on the wreck the witch had made of my life.

Yes, the curse and my involvement in it had brought the best love I could have asked for, but knowing that I was turned into bait by the witch so I could trap my boys and then die so she could take those bonds was too much for me to deal with right now.

How do you deal with knowing you were created to die?

I wasn't dealing with it and so I drove myself into my work. I stayed almost the whole night in my office catching up on everything I had missed since the full moon. Ceren had tried to visit with me but I just shut my door and locked it. I wouldn't even talk to Daniel or Mrs. Kim. Eventually, the requests to talk to me stopped and I just kept working.

When I finished the last file, I glanced at the clock and saw that it was almost 4 am. I blinked slowly as I stare at the clock wondering where all the time went? I stood up and looked out my window at the dark forest. I didn't really see anything or look at anything, I just zoned out, letting my mind rest and think of nothing. Still, I didn't want to sleep. Sleep made the days pass faster. I wanted them to go slower.

The night was almost over.... One day gone. One day closer.

Hobi's POV

We were worried about Y/N. We had tried everything to keep her distracted and not thinking about the situation we were in. We knew how she was feeling. Her connection to us vibrated with fear and dread. We certainly understood. We'd been there, 500 years ago when we learned the truth of our situation. We also had felt like we were dying.

We were not going to lose her.

We also didn't have 500 years for her to get adjusted to her situation. I sit and watch her through her office window. She can't see me sitting here in the trees, but I'm not leaving her alone. Good thing owls can stay up all night. If she doesn't sleep, I won't sleep.

I feel sad that my brave little scientist is fighting such an enormous fear. I wish I could wrap her in my arms and make it all go away, we all hold that wish, but we also know that she needs to find her own bravery. She's always said that she will fight for us. I know that when push comes to shove, she'll be there, in the thick of it, with us.

Jimin's POV

I'm laying out here, outside her office door, waiting for her to come out. She's been locked up in there all night and refuses to come out. She doesn't know I'm here and I don't need her to know. Besides, she'll either step on me, or trip over me, one of the two, and then I'll be able to get her attention.

Her strand that connects to me is pulled so tight. I'm glad that our bonds are more like steel beams than a loopy string like they used to be. She's so afraid right now that I'm afraid her strand could break from the tension. I see movement on the dark center steps up to the second floor and Daniel comes walking up followed by Tae in tiger form. He lays down next to me, his bigger animal dwarfing my smaller one. I'm comforted by his company. He's been my best friend all these years and I need him as much as ever as we try to help the girl we both love. He lays his big paw over me and pulls me in for a hug. His tiger lays partially over me. He's heavy but comforting. I wouldn't ever change him.

Daniel watches us get comfortable in front of Y/N's door and smiles. "I'm sorry you guys are in this situation, but I'm glad you have each other." He looks at Y/N's door sadly. "The team says they can't track the witch's whereabouts. Wherever she's hiding, she's hidden well this time."

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