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Yoongi POV

I never want to feel like that again.

I watch as Y/N falls asleep after our ordeal. I can't believe I ever thought she could be the witch. No, scratch that, I know why I thought she was the witch, I just didn't realize how far fear could take it. My eyes roam over her sleeping face and I marvel that we both survived nearly dying. In 500 years, I've never come so close.

When I woke up this morning it was to the gentle thrum and caress of a lover. I couldn't tell who was touching me and then I realized that the only one touching me was Jimin in his dog form and he was fast asleep. My body buzzed with the caresses of a lover but nothing was touching me in such a way. As I blinked my eyes clear and I woke up more, I could see that whatever I was feeling, was being reflected on Y/N's beautiful face. Never before in my life did I feel what I felt then. I looked at this person before me and knew that they were my mate. Deep down, to my core, my coyote knew we belonged to them.

That certain knowledge terrified me. We had never belonged to anyone. We've spent 500 years trying NOT to belong to someone against our will. I wasn't particularly happy that we felt a pull to Y/N, but it wasn't like I disliked her. But, this feeling on my skin was addictive. I wanted more. I wanted her. I wanted.

And I had never wanted someone like that in my whole life. It scared me and forced me to lash out at her. I had felt the draw to the witch. The vileness of the slavery of giving in to her still made my skin crawl after all this time. This was different. This was joy, love, and light. This was wanting lust, and desire. I suddenly understood why Jungkook struggled so much with this full moon.

This terrified me and I lashed out. I hurt her and I couldn't stop myself. What happened next made my blood run cold.

I pick up her hand and press my lips to the back of it. I watch her sleeping face and chastise myself for hurting her so much.

"You should sleep, Yoongi," Jin tells me softly. His head is lying next to hers, snuggled close.

"I can't believe we almost lost her," I reply, a tear escapes and slides down my cheek.

Fingers gently wipe the tear away, "You saved her, Yoongi, you did well."

I shake my head, "I kissed her hard, someone will need to go get the antitoxin,"

"Already have it," Jimin leans over me with a syringe and injects the serum into her.

"How did you get that so fast?" Namjoon asks him.

"Jungkook and I thought it would be wise to have some on hand, in case of emergencies." He shrugs his shoulders.

"Where were you keeping it?"

"In her bathroom under the sink. We told her it was an emergency kit for us in case we needed it. We didn't tell her what was in it."

"This will make her feel terrible for a while," I mention. I feel horrible for all that I've put her through. Never in my wildest dreams did I think she would try to sever the connection between us. When I felt the connection between us break, it felt like my soul had broken into two pieces. For the first time in my 500 years, I knew what it felt like to start dying.

"You had to restart the connection between you. I'm just glad the kiss did the trick. We could have lost you both." Namjoon rubs my shoulder and I feel the others touch parts of me in comfort and concern.

I watch her face as the grey of death leaves her skin and a rosier glow returns. The poison would be slowed down by the antitoxin we gave her, and she was still going to hurt, but that rosy glow told me that she would live and that's all I cared about.

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