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"So, you're just gonna sit there, with that ring on your left hand and not say a damn thing?" Ceren huffs next to me.

I do my darnedest to not crack a smile, knowing that not knowing was killing her. I just eat my breakfast calmly and slowly look over at her. I pull my silent earbuds out, "Oh, did you say something?" I ask with an innocent voice.

"Oh, no you don't. You don't pull that shit with me," Ceren shakes her finger at me. She grabs my fingers, pointing at the ring. "Explain, girlfriend."

I crack a smile, I can't help it. She's so much fun to tease. "So, my guys may have given me a ring."

"May have?" she says with her eyebrows raised at me. "Why do you do this to me? You know I live vicariously through you." I crack up laughing, no longer able to keep her in suspense.

"Yes, they gave me this ring." I smile, thinking happy thoughts.

"Did they propose?" She gasps.

Yes, they did, but I'm not telling anyone that yet. "They made certain promises to me. This is a symbol of how dedicated they want to be." Ceren squeals in excitement.

"Oh my gosh, tell me everything!" and we get lost in my story, telling her as much as was safe to do so.

"Oh sure, just brag why don't you?" Marcus mumbles.

"Says the guy who was calling his girlfriend "babygirl" and "snookums" and showing off the hickies he gave her," Snorts Ceren, calling him out.

Marcus huffs and leaves the breakfast table. I just shake my head at him. "What is his problem?" I ask.

"Don't bother with him," Brendan says as he sits down next to Ceren. He gives her a cup of coffee that he brought for her and they eat together. They are such a calm duo when together. A real contrast to the Smarmy Couple. "He's just grouchy because Mindy is taking her mom to the hospital and he can't show her off."

"Oh right, her Mom's cancer checkup. This will make five years, right? Then she's in remission if she's still clean?" I ask.

"Yup. She used to be the vet here a couple of decades ago, and when she got sick, Bangtan generously helped with the cancer costs." My guys really are the best.

This place really does take care of its own. Maybe that explains Mindy's very protective attitude toward this place? It might explain why she seems to be so jealous of me. If Bangtan saved her mom, she might feel a deeper connection to this place and if she thinks I'm muzzling in? I also feel this place is special thanks to my experiences. I don't hate anyone, though, and Mindy actively dislikes me.

"She was particularly excited to work here, but over time, she's become sort of...." Ceren pauses.

"Snobby?" I ask.

She nods, "Yeah after she went through the poisoning, she's become almost a different person. It's been sort of sad to see, but I'm over with it." She waves her hand in the air like it's all over and goes back to her breakfast.

Snobby or not, she takes care of her mom so that says a lot about her. I vow to try and give her the benefit of the doubt when dealing with her. Not that she makes it easy to be nice to her.

A bark sounds as the golden retriever runs into the breakfast room and bounces over to me. I laugh and get up. "Okay, okay, I'm coming," I tell him.

"Where are they taking you now?" Ceren asks.

"Daniel's family invited me to go tubing with them on the river. I guess I'm being summoned." I laugh. Ceren just rolls her eyes at me.

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