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I'm sitting at my desk looking over paperwork, making sure all last-minute plans are settled for the Kim Foundation's visit, or what we like to call "Daniel's family reunion". My nerves are shot. I feel like a firing line is waiting for me. My knee keeps bouncing with my nerves. I call Ceren over the phone.

"Did we make sure to have enough firewood set aside for the bonfire on the last night?" I ask her for the who-knows-how-many-millionth-time.

"Yes, we set it up yesterday. As well as stocking the pantry of cabins they are using, and we even cleared the campsites where all the kids are staying. Relax, Y/N. You are acting like you're meeting the inlaws. I hate to break it to you, but Daniel is too old for you."

I hear her chuckle at her silly joke but I could only grimace. My boyfriends were 500 years too old for me. Daniel is just a youngin'. I try to play it off and laugh with her, or try too. "Yeah, yeah, it's my first year here, so sue me."

'Nice try, girly." she teases me, not buying it for a second."You need to get back together with your boyfriends and get laid. Go relax, girl. We got this."

"I wish," I mutter.

"They still have you in a cool-off period?" she asks. "What are those boys' thinking? You are a healthy woman and they looked like healthy men to me. So what's the hold-up?"

"I don't want to get into it," I mutter. "Okay, they should be arriving soon, so I'm going to head out and meet his family at the campgrounds." I end the call with Ceren before she could respond and get my things.

As I'm leaving, I see Daniel also leaving for the day. He walks up to me. "The family are arriving. Want to go with me and meet them?"

"Sure, it's not like it's a big deal meeting 25 generations of a family, anyway." I try to shrug and just laugh nervously. Who am I kidding? I'm intimidated by this situation. It was one thing when it was just me and the boys fighting the curse. Now there are a couple of dozen generations coming in who have been in this fight from the beginning. What could I possibly do against the curse that all these people haven't been able to do?

"They aren't that bad," Daniel says gently. He knew how much of a wreck I've been when I think about his family. I was putting a lot of burden on my shoulders in my probably unnecessary need to impress the family. I just really wanted to be good enough to be their mate. I already loved them, cared about them, and I didn't want people who had been in this longer than me to tell me I shouldn't bother. Sure, Daniel and Mrs. Kim accepted me, but I was worried that the larger foundation would have issues. I expect to be grilled as the soulmate of Bangtan by this group that has dedicated their lives to supporting them and ending the curse.

We left the center and walked to Daniel's car. The golden retriever and the rabbit were waiting for us by car. I bent down and picked up the rabbit and snuggled him against my face, taking in his warmth and needing the emotional boost. Jungkook nuzzled into my hair and took a place on my shoulder while Jimin took a place next to me in the backseat of the car, laying on my lap. Who needs a seatbelt? Daniel laughed to himself when he saw I was covered in animals and started the car.

We arrived at the campsite to see lots of people getting settled in. Erecting tents, moving belongings into cabins, setting up various other areas. Working in forestry, you are used to seeing big groups camping together. Church groups, school and workgroups, hobby clubs, and such, but I knew this was the largest such group I had ever seen. There were easily 400 people here and it honestly boggled my mind. It was clear they were used to this from long practice because I could tell that they had this set up down to a routine.

I look at the rabbit in my arms and the dog standing next to me. I sort of expected them to transform and be part of their families but they have kept to their animal forms and stayed by my side.

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