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When Daniel took me back to the Center, I wasn't expecting much.  I should have known better by now.  I was rushed by Ceren, Mindy, Brenden, and others.  All asked me questions and checked to see if I was okay. 

"When I saw you take off running and that wolf pack follows you, I nearly died right there."  Ceren cried as she hugged me tight enough to squeeze all the air out of my body.  I gave her a tight squeeze so she would know I'm alive and breathing... Sort of.

"I'm okay, really."  I try to allay fears but it's no good and I swear she hugs me tighter.

"Don't you try to "okay" me, girl!" She looks at me sternly.

"Did the animals help protect you?"  Mindy asks.  I look her over and other than sporting a brace on her arm, she looks no worse for wear, either.

"Yes, they did.  They took care of the wolves going after you and then took care of the rest of them."  She just nods while looking me over carefully. 

"You're not hurt?"  I shake my head no.

"Bangtan took care of things?"  Brendan asks. 

I give him a knowing look, "Yes, the animals kept me protected until they arrived."  He nods, breathing a sigh of relief.

"You didn't get poisoned?"  Mindy asks.

I shake my head, "Nope, I didn't even get close to the animals.  I got some scratches from the trees and bushes, but I wasn't stupid enough to get near those animals after they ripped those wolves to shreds."   I shiver at the memory of Bangtan in their monster forms.  The others notice my shivers.

"It's okay to be nervous after a wild animal attack,"  Ceren says rubbing my arms in an act of comfort.

"Those wolves didn't stand a chance,"  I comment and then look at Mindy, who for once wasn't looking at me with hatred in her eyes.  "Bangtan told me that this was the second time you'd been attacked by the wolf pack.  They said that the animals decided that they couldn't allow the pack to stay on the grounds after attacking so ruthlessly." 

Mindy's eyes widened at the mention of her first attack. "Yes, I was infected by their poison and almost died.  I'm very careful now when I handle them."  She looks at me thoughtfully, almost appraising me, "If you had been poisoned, you'd be showing signs of pain and your organs would be suffering. Their poison attacks the organs first."  She murmurs almost like an afterthought.

"When Mindy got attacked last time, she almost experienced kidney failure because the poison went straight for her kidneys."  Ceren nodded.  I guess she remembers the event. 

"I got very sick. I almost didn't make it, but thankfully, I responded to a treatment and got better."  She said.

"She was in a coma for two weeks."  Ceren huffed.  "It was more than just a simple treatment."

"A coma? Their poison put you in a coma?"  I ask, shocked. My experience with their poison has been simple body pain, muscle aches at most, and gone within a day.

"I was exposed to their blood, not just to saliva. So I got a far deadlier dose than most accidentally get if they get some drool on them."  Mindy shivered a bit at the memory. "After my exposure, they were able to develop an anti-toxin that mitigates a minor exposure but doesn't prevent anything if you get too big a dose.  That's why I tell everyone to keep their distance from the animals."  She looks me up and down and finally, the contempt shines through, "Not that you listened." 

"They have been my friends since getting here and they protected us yesterday. I will take that risk." I firmly respond, hoping she will get it through her thick head that how she feels about things is her business, not mine.

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