Book 8: Death Valley

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II. "I need your broken promises."

15 March 2015, Sunday @ 11:40

What is a promise? The Oxford Dictionary Online defines it as "A declaration or assurance that one will do something or that a particular thing will happen."

We've all had one of those made to us and then broken. Some people you learn to expect it from so it doesn't really perturb you much. But there are those select few people we hold in such high regard that when they break their promises to us, especially the ones we set all our faith in, that your world can sometimes come crashing down on you like a ton of bricks.

It's almost like blasphemy in a way; there is no way in your mind that you can connect this revered person to the person who's just torn you to pieces.

Until you stop and realise that everyone, even the people we think are superheroes, are really just humans and quintessentially, nothing can ever really be promised because with the world we live in, circumstances and environments are constantly changing and there's always the possibility of a shift so drastic occurring that the promises one makes today, will be physically impossible to keep in the long run.

Refrain from making promises unless you are 1000% certain that you will fulfill them to the letter because the word "promise" has such a heavy weight to it and you may not realise just how torn apart the other person may be when you cannot stick to that promise.

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