The Save Rock and Roll Journal Introduction

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Let me start off by saying this, no one will probably read, comment or vote on this because in order to do comment, you'd need to either agree or disagree with what I've written and be willing to share your inner most thoughts and reflections and to vote, you'd have to enjoy what you read. So if no one does read this I don't mind. It was a project necessary for ME.

This is a collection of my thoughts and emotions relating to lines from each of the songs on "Save Rock and Roll" by Fall Out Boy.

It is more often than not dark and pessimistic but also contains triggers of suicide, cutting, alcoholism and drug usage.

It is an honest and in-depth look into the mind of a person who's lost the things they held dear and loved and has lived on through it.

It is not a cry for help but rather helping myself in a way that I can use something I'm passionate about - writing - as a form of therapy and not needing to talk about things out loud.

Should anyone I know personally read this, I ask that you not be offended by the manner I've chosen to express myself as it is in no way a reflection of me not being able to discuss my thoughts with you, but simply a manner in which I find it easier to express my thoughts (as severely fucked up as they may be.)

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