Book 8: Death Valley

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VI. "I'm either gone in an instant or here 'til the bitter end. I never know."

15 March 2015, Sunday @ 20:53

I have a completion complex. I hate leaving things undone - even if I come back in a year and finish it, I have to finish.

It bugs me that I have unfinished works but I know why they aren't finished and I know when I have the right amount of clarity to complete them, they will show up as completed.

Yes, this entry is about writing because writing is my life. It's a world where I can become any character I want to and engage with other artists about an artform I think is so over looked; the art of words.

With your words, you can create such a vividly intense picture for those with broadened imaginations that it ends up being more descriptive than a picture would. You can create whole new universes just using descriptive parts of speech and beautifully constructed sentences. You can bring someone to tears with your words or cause pure elation.

Never forget the power that words wield. The pen really is mightier than the sword and can leave you trapped of freed.

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