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Shizuo POV



You have work.

You have to meet up with Tom-san.

And go back to your usual routine.

And just for the moment...forget everything that has happened in the past hour or so.

...I need a vacation...but I have to pay the electric bill this week-fuck.

"Hey Shizuo, how've you been holding up?"


"Pretty good Tom-san. You?"

"I've been better but with Vorona, up an leaving all of a sudden the we got some more idiots to collect cash from"


I grumble while taking out a cigarette. I haven't seen Vorona sense that time she fucked up the Flea's apartment. Actually I don't want to see her. I'm fully aware of the fact that we used to be together hell there was a time where I actually loved her...


I may be as people say a brute but I despise hurting woman.. Vorona on the other case almost got slapped...in the face... with a chair...to be a little more specific Izaya's chair.

Come on what she did was a bitch move, an we all know it.

But I would never want to truly hurt her, cause technically I am partially to blame for her losing her cool like that, but the break up still doesn't excuse any of her behavior.

"H.. S.. uo"

Like I know everyone takes those situations differently, but why the flea of all people?


If she was going to go after anyone you would think it would be Shinra hell even Kabota would have been a potential target for sure.

"..ello Sh...zu.."

So why of all people would she go after Izaya like yeah I think she said something or what not. When I caught her in the act of messing up the Flea's apartment, but I can believe I'm thinking this but what she did was just totally-


"huh?!, What? Ah, sorry what were you saying again Tom-san?"

Tom was looking at me suspiciously.

"I was telling you the location of the next person on file is by sunshine station, but know I'm getting worried for you. Not to be rude or anything but it's rare to see you blink out and be lost in... thought."

Seriously... I'm not that dumb...ya use glue in stead of stitches 3 times and people think your an idiot... don't judge me, I don't always feel like going to Shinra's to get patched up especially if it's something small.. anyone can walk away just fine with a shallow stab wound right?

"Yeah, sorry Tom-san let's go."

"Alright, but are your sure you're hanging in there?"

fuckin' Barley....

"Yes, let's just finish this shit already"

"Um, yeah got it let's go then"


I'm leaning against my apartment building, getting some fresh air and smoking a cigarette...then it hits me.(Not literally)

Why hasn't the flea come to Ikebukuro yet?

no...it can't be. (SHIZAYA) Where stories live. Discover now