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Shizuo's POV

So after that little and surprisingly civil conversation with the flea I went over to help him flip his desk back over. Izaya told me to go up the few step to the next level which looked like to only hold now fallen books shelf's and to stand them back up again. I asked him if he wanted me to put the books back on the shelf to and he answered with, "oh-of course not Shizu-chan I could never let someone with your.....intellect to sort through my precious information' just stand up the shelves and I'll deal the sorting and putting them were they belong thanks anyway", yeah I aware it's Izaya but that's still pisses me off none the less.

Anyway after that was done with I walk passed Izaya while he was putting the books back on the shelf next to his desk-I went to the kitchen to see what the bitch could have messed up in there and again not to my surprise the kitchen looked pretty trashed too. The fridge was leaning so the front of it was on the counter. So I made sure it was still plugged in then stood it back up with ease. I picked up all the knives and silverware and put them in the sink same for the cups, plates, and bowls that weren't shattered across the floor. After that I looked for a broom and dustpan to clean the broken dishes on the floor after that the Izaya's kitchen didn't look to bad other then all the dishes that I just picked up in the sink. I went back to see Izaya after putting the books back on the shelves was now organizing some 'main' files he told me already so I went further into the fleas apartment to see what else needed to be flipped back over.
I came to a room that was most likely the flea's I think the reason I think it's the fleas room was because from the state the room was in I don't think it can be called one anymore. The cutins were ripped the bed was flipped over same with the night stand that was probably right next to it and a dresser that was face first on the ground,plus the closet door that was wide open and looks like to have a couple clothes from it on the floor. When I look at all this and how much Vorona looked for him in his own house...if he was here he could have died today...I mean i-it's not like I would have cared or any thing it's just that it wouldn't have been mean and I would be really pissed of and yeah all that ANYWAY.

I walk out the flea's bed room to the bathroom to see what needs to be fixed there when I go in I the curtain for the shower has fallen down so I go and fix that then put the first aid, soup, and cleaning stuff back under the sink cabinet I see something that looks to be rapped in a bloody cloth...I aware it's not my house and I should mind my own business when it comes to stuff like this to Izaya especially but I just couldn't help my self so I took a look. And what I found in the cloth was a decent size kitchen knife.

"What the hell is something like this doing in his bathroom...?"

And hit me I don't know why but it did...the last time came to Izaya's house I grad his arm and for me in a very light way but he still flinched...maybe.

"Nonono Shizuo don't g-get ahead of yourself for the fact that you don't know if the blood is Izaya's and you know who you need to go to, to confirm that this is not Izaya's blood" with that Shizuo rapped the bloody clothe in another clothe and put it in his vest pocket. Then fixed the rest of the bathroom and left to see how's Izaya was holding up.

"O-oi flea I finished doing everything I could do to help you out need somthin else" Izaya thought for a moment.

"...No there is not thing else I need your help with-I really do owe you after this though you helped me out a lot with all this thank you."
By this time Izaya was already standing next to me and for some reason I don't know I hugged him.

"Your welcome Izaya and haha I'm gonna hold you up for that favor someday seeya later...a-and....If you want you can come back to Ikebukuro-but don't think I'm still not gonna chase you out for one second-seeya around Izaya" With that again for some reason I gave him a real smile and started walking straight to Shinra's-yeah I know it's late know but I need to know if this blood is the flea's or not...I just have to even if I still don't know why.

Izaya's POV

What the hell just happened well what ever it is I love it

'Hahaha finally'

"W-hat the hell I thought you said you were going to leave me alone"

"Ha~? I did? Well for some reason for the life of me I can't seem to remember but any way I need to ask you, do you remember when I gave you the choices'

"Yes...?What are you up too?"

'Just shut up follow with what I'm saying and let me get to my point please okay-okay now name em' off for me dear'

"Please don't call me dear"


"OKAY~ 1-you take complete control of me which was a big hell no, 2-pretty much just selfharm, and 3-....t-to k-kill S-shizu-chan and that bitch even though I would still only kill her"

'Yes-yes~ I know cause...your in love with I wrong?'

"No, you are not I'm in love with Shizuo"

'Haa I should have know you would have li-wait the what you just say'

"I love Shizuo-I'm in love with Shizuo Hewajima."

'Well damn I wanted to stay a little longer'

"What do you mean...who the hell are you in the first place??"

'Really now hahaha I'm you well you made me, your mind did anyway-I was made to make you realize the love you have for Shizu-chan and know that you have I can leave'

"Really like your g-going to be gone forever like bye see you never again??"

'Yes Izaya oh and you don't have to harm your self anymore and yeah never got to worry about me long as you don't denie your love for Shizuo okay?'

"You know I won't have it any other way?"

'Ha~very I bid you farewell Izaya'


After that who to be honest I have no clue what that was but anyway. I went to the bathroom room and mentally thanked Shizuo again for helping me then went to the knife that was still in the cabinet under the sink in the back and after washing it off I returned it were it kitchen drawer.

And in the first time for what felt like years I went to sleep with little to no problems once so ever.

4:27am can't be. (SHIZAYA) Where stories live. Discover now