I-I know I-I'll choose...

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Next Day : Izaya's POV

...Wow it's been a whole night and most of my morning and I still can't believe I can't get what Shizu-chan said to me last night haha oh I really fallen that low for even the words Shizu-chan says to can make me feel well anything other then when I see the look on my lovely-NO.

  What am I even doing. What should I do. Why can't I have an answer for myself I'm a God aren't I.

'Oh will you shut the fuck up already'

"AHHH! Wah what the hell was that" A voice Izaya heard completely startled him sense he should be the only one in his apartment.

'who the fuck else would be god.'


' No, you idiot ok now that that's settled with.. I'm gonna drive you crazy until you do what I what you to do got it~'

"Oh really I don't think you can~"

' Did you really just say that.'

" Oh I think I have~"

'Ok I DID warn you~'

" Hmm?"

   And with that it's as  like Izaya got knocked out but he didn't land or hit anything strange....

So called seconds later....

"Izaya what are you doing!!"

"What? Wait how am I on top of this building!?"

" Your telling me you don't know? You the Izaya Orihara has no clue how you got on top of a building? Well now I've heard everything. Anyway it's good that you took what Shinra said into consideration. You made it to Ikebukuro without you and Shizuo having a fight. Now all you need to do is stop being an ass :) by Izaya."

" Y-ya~ whatever~"

With that Izaya climbed down the building having really no clue to how he got up there in the first place.

Time skip to Izaya's apartment.

"What the hell is going on with me?"

'me of course, now will you do what I want you to do or do I have to kill... Just what I was about to do until that little headless rider popped up'

"What did you just say."

' you know what I just said'

"....fine what do you want me to do."

' WOW never thought you would listen afraid of dieing Izaya hahaha '

"No I just refuse to killed in such a way that I have no clue I'm going it I prefer to have control over my own body thank you"

' Yaya sense you want to have control over your body and for me to shut the hell up I'll give you a choice. '

" A choice ok then, then what are my choices. "

' hehe simple really I'm gonna give them to you straight 'k

1. Fall into my full control

2. Harm your self in anyway to know you living and not the real monster and keep your body

3. Kill Vorona and Shizu-chan

Now pick one right now sorry I want a straight answer but I really hate waiting on shit like this'

" Why do I have to kill Shizu-chan to kill Vorona too? "

' Because I said so. The hell hurry up and pick a choice
Chop-chop you don't have all day unless you want me to choose for...'

"NO...no I'll pick one...."

' okay then go on~ '

" I-I know I-I'll choose... Choice number 2 "

' great~ then I'll leave you be and you do whatever you have to do that's accounts to choice number 2. Bye-Bye~ '


"YES IT IS GONE....now what oh I know"

Izaya walk over to his kitchen a takes the sharpest knife he has. Walks to the the bathroom sink and does a nice swipe across his wrist.

At first he thought it will sting a little but it actually felt like a warm hug and with that thought it might not be that bad to do this every now and then.

"Mmm that was nice let me get cleaned up and get ready for bed."

And with that Izaya cleaned up and went to bed... Not even realizing what he just started for himself.


9:10 PM

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