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Izaya's POV

This is bad...he can't be here...if I don't open the door maybe he'll assume I'm not here? Wait would he tell Shizuo?? Fuck I might just need to move out if Japan if that happens.

"....Orihara I know you're in there, open the door and I...might not tell my brother."

Ay that I open the door pull him in through by the arm. Check to see if there's anyone down the hallway. Then I lock all the locks on the door. "You seen very paranoid Orihara" I glare at him.

"Well wouldn't anyone when the brother of the person looking to kill you shows up at there front door?~" I try to keep my cool but I can't help but feel uneasy. "What do you want Hewajima? Sorry to say my office hours are over if you need something make an appointment." I then go to push him out the door, while I'm doing so he takes out his phone an puts it on speaker.

"Hm? What's up Kasuka."

I stop what I'm doing an back away smirking nervously, shacking my head slowly in the 'you wouldn't dare' gesture. But Kasuka does whatever the fuck he wants it seems.

"Nothing much Oniisan, you still can't find him?"

I drop the smirk a frown in minor fear and major frustration. I shake my head rapidly at him. Mouthing 'don't you dare'.

"Ugh, don't get me started, I know Shinra knows where he is, but he refuses to tell me. Saying 'he doesn't want his friends to kill eachother' or some-shit I just want to here what Celty said from that's rat's bastard mouth himself."

I stand there now shock to actually hear that...

Why can't he just leave everyone alone, fuck....

We'd all be better off of he just died....

I swear the day I see on the news that the fucker finally got what he deserves is the day I know all be well in this damned world.....

I still want him dead....

I want him dead....

want him dead....


I remember what he says from when I was hiding in the cabinet...
An I look up at Kasuka, an shrugs smirk slipping back on. An mouth 'you don't want to turn your dear brother into a killer do you?? Just leave already.'

"Hmm....I can't read lips very well what did you say?" I open my eyes wide in complete disbelief.

"Who are you talking to??"

Kasuka looks at me an I think he's just going to make up some story.

"Well I was walking home an I saw someone who looks like Orihara. So I followed them an the front desk said yes, an Orihara lives on the top floor so I went up to it. He freaked out an now he's looking at me is shock at how blunt I'm being"

There's silence on the other line an I hope Shizuo just takes it as a joke .. brother's joke like that right?? My sister's are crazy an sibling dynamics vary. But Kasuka doesn't seem like the joking type....

"What he do, when he saw you..."

"Told me not to tell you, I saw him. Pretend not to be freaking out. And tried to push me out the door hopeing I'd just leave. So I pulled out my phone know he'd try his best not to make his presence known. I'm surprised he hasn't said anything yet"

There's a long silence again.


I freeze up, the last time I tried talking to him....well resulted in my being stuffed in a cabinet. An moving to a knew city.

"He seem to be reluctant to talk ... should I tell you the address brother?"

"...give me the phone" my voice sounds quiet an now sounds as sore as it feels. None the less Kasuka give me his phone.

"...this is stupid, Shinra must have told you I wanted to talk. Why the hell you being such a coward now?" Surprisingly he he's keeping his tone steady it barely rising at all but I keep my face blank.

"Hm, that's because I am a coward. In many ways. Now I don't think you asked to speak to me about my cowardness did you?" I glare at the window pretending the vain of my existence is right in front of me.

"No asshole I didn't...did you do it?"


"Did you try to save her"

"Sadly my conscious is better than I thought~"

"💢Izaya ...I mean it."

"Yes, I tried to save her."

"Alright then...where are you"

This makes me smile insanely.

"Why the fuck should you care you got what you wanted an, you. If you tell him where I am I'm going undernthe radar don't push it. An dear Shizu-chan why would you want the location of a heartless shitty human, when they die it'll be the best day of your life? Sorry I'm not that eager to die just yet Shizuo Hewajima."
With that I hang up and hand Kasuka back his phone.

"...did I miss a part of the story?"

I give him a look and point toward the door this time he actually complies. "I won't tell him....yet so don't. Get to comfortable." An with that Kasuka leaves.



"I FUCKING HATE THAT RIDICULOUSLY WONDERFULLY STUBBORN, HARD HEADED ADORABLE BASTARD!!!" I scream into my empty apartment not caring who hears, as I cry in anger if the whole ordeal that just transpired.

Kasuka's POV


"What now!? Why'd he hang up!!"

"You must have said a little too much..." It's clear that he's said something to actually upset Orihara.

"I don't even know what he's.....oh....oh shit he must have been there...shit...I didn't think he'd care either way ..why do I even care"

"Those anger management classes are doing wonders for you brother" I smile slightly.

"Oh shut up...and I know you laughing at me, in that silent way of yours"

"You got me, but now you blame a wrongly accused man. So in this situation-"

He cuts me off.....

"YEAH YEAH, I have to actually... apologize to him...but how can I do that without knowing where he is?"

"He just told me not to you here he is ...that doesn't mean I can't tell you what city I was in .."

"....where the hell are you??"

I smirk this time.

"Kita city" can't be. (SHIZAYA) Where stories live. Discover now