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No one's POV

*Knock knock*

Izaya goes to open the door money in hand.

"Hello again Zozo.~ Here's the money." He gives Zozo $150 getting 3 boxes of Violet.

"Thanks again Orihara, oh and there's another gang trying to gain a rise up in Ikebukuro calling themselves the Rose fires, it's a all woman's gang."

"Hm thanks I'll have to look into it.~ Anything else?" Zozo travels to Ikebukuro all the time and always get's into conversations hearing all types of things. So Izaya pays him for Ikebukuro latest underground and Violet. While Zozo just has a reason to get out his apartment.

" I don't know if this is important, but from what I heard you and that bartender dude didn't get along right? Well he's been walking around here alot. But that's it I'm not stupid enough to walk up to him. Anyway I gotta go have to drop something off in Shinjuku and my train arrive, seeya"

Izaya smiles an waves as he closes the door.

Izaya's POV


I pace around an light a cigarette.

"What am I 'OW!'..... that's painful, anyway what am I going to do... I have to go out. I can't stay here hate to say it but moving really damage my bank account I need the money." I'm been helping more of the calmer gangs, an even some Celebrities an famous actors. Taking job's left an right.


"Everything okay there Orihara?"

Oops I forgot Len's still here I still have 2 more appointments.

"Yes, I'm alright". *BANG!* ...You could have opened it like a normal person. "Orihara, I need you help." Says the actor who made an appointment with me 3 weeks ago.

"Fine, state your problem" I sit behind my desk lighting another cigarette flinching as the pain spikes then goes down slowly. "
"So I got in a little trouble, this bitch I was messing with was playing hard to get, so I spread a rumor about her sleeping around, it seems in the process some...past situations that my manager already covered are being brought up again. And I can't have that happen. So could you silence that bitch for me?" Hm clients like this are easy they never say what they want clearly. I'll clear up the woman's name. And he never said to clean up his story so I'll prove it an send it into the authorities. Another case solved, trust thrown, bank filled.

"I'll get right on it Tetta Kisaki, but what is the name of this Lady friend of yours?"

"Oh her name is Momoko Hyakushiki hahaha bitch should have listened to me an not try to be a hot shot." wonder woman hate you, you're trash.

"She's working with me on this knew show staring Yuhei Hanejima. But you should have heard of it in the tabloids."
I like information but petty stories in those imagination garbage are not on my list.

"...of course well that's all I need I already got the payment you can leave now." With that he leaves slamming my door. I let out another puff of smoke fogging up my computer screen for a moment.

"What do you plan on doing Orihara?"

"What's the name of my next client?"

".....Momoko Hyakushiki..."

"Cancel it, tell her not to waste her money I'll handle the situation."


*One week later*

Kasuka's POV

"....OP.......GO.......LET ME GO......DAMN....... TRICKED....... FUCKER!!"

Ah, it's so loud it was supposed to be a simple meeting on the show's statist. Why are people yelling so much?
I go to the front of the set usally I don't care but... I'm bored.

The supposed main antagonist of the show is being dragged out of by police officer.

"....damn....did I turn the oven off?" I say to myself.

"Hehe, that's what he gets and here I thought Orihara was going to screw me over not clean up the misunderstandings."

I hear the female lead say to Orihara did this...that co star was an asshole who never respected personal space...and he stole my water bottle.... Should I tell brother?


"What's up Kasuka?"

"The scandal has been settled filming should start back up in a nother week. Wanna meet up here I saw this place by Orihara's that looks hidden enough."

"...are you trying to discreetly give me hints of Izaya's location."

"No I was just stating what I saw, but if you want to take it as such so be it."

"Shut the fuck up I get off early today, I'm walking towards the train now."

"I'll text you the location."

"Yeah, see ya."

Izaya's POV

The manager of that asshole has some major skills. If he didn't go into management I would have some major competition hahaha. But my already fucked up schedule is shit. And I'm actually hungry, I gave Len some days off, and I don't feel like going to a grocery store....I think I saw this place while walking around that seemed pretty good I should check it out.

I grab my coat, walk out and lock my door. It's not far just about 4 block's from my apartment. I remember it being smoke friendly too, so I don't have to put it out.

"Ah here it is." I walk in an look around the place doesn't seem too bad. Dark wood chairs an tables along the wall. Simple hanging light fixtures. Shizu-chan sitting with his brother staring at me in surprise......


"Hey flea..."

Shit. can't be. (SHIZAYA) Where stories live. Discover now