Calm Monster vs. Drugged Flea

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"Hey flea..."

No one's POV

Izaya and Shizuo look at eachother in a silent stand off. Shizuo putting out his cigarette and Izaya's burning filling the small area with sweet candy smoke.

"Can we talk?" Shizuo ask calmly surprising Izaya yet again but he's not in the mood.

".... No." And Izaya walks back out side

I knew I should have just had something delivered but no I had to get out the house after sitting in there for a week, of all the times for me to be a dumbass!

Of course Shizuo wasn't going to let him run off like that to he gets up quickly and speed walks towards Izaya.

"Izaya. I mean it we...we really need to talk please?"

Izaya looks as Shizuo in shock his cigarette hanging out his mouth slightly. He's yet to say anything. But Shizuo finally notices Izaya's new habit.

"Flea... what's that?"

Izaya finally snaps out of it to scoff in Shizuo's face. "Oh come on did that protozoan actually melt that pea size brain of yours? Or are you that blind?"

"Izaya, you know what I mean? You used to hate just the smell of smoke and now your smoking?"

"I used to hate alot of things... people change Shizuo." Izaya says sharply glaring at Shizuo.

"... Izaya I...can we please talk?"

"You want to talk!? Fine follow me." Izaya grabs Shizuo by the arm and pulls him to an ally a building over.

"I have some things to say too!" Izaya almost yells voice sounding sore. (A/N this drug {completely made up} only causes mix signals to the brain but none of the nerves are going to be damage. So Izaya feels pain but if he was to go to the doctor, they say he's completely fine.)

"Wait Izaya I know you're pissed-"

"Pisses?? You think I'm simply pissed!? I'm fucking furious why the hell should I listen to whatever the fuck you have to say! You want nothing to do with me!! If you're only here to give some half assed apology I'll tell you now I don't want to here it you monster." Izaya's in his tip ties face head to head to Shizuo expecting him to get pissed and to try an throw the vending machine little down the alley. But all Shizuo does is takes a deep breath, exhales and looks into Izaya's now wide eyes.

"Yes, I am here to apologize but that's not all. You tried getting us to stop fighting, you tried making everything better, you tried clearing up the misunderstanding. I talked with Celty, I found one of Vorona's juniors who I beat up until they told the truth, and I've talked to you...I should have believe you the first time."

Shizuo says quietly to Izaya who seems to glare more now then before. Izaya was furious before but some how it gets worst he grads Shizuo by the collar of his shirt. Shizuo stumbles to the ground not expecting the amount of force Izaya used.

"YOU THINK THAT'S ALL I'M PISSES ABOUT!! I COULD CARE LESS ABOUT THAT I KNOW YOU'RE SLOW!! YOU WOULD HAVE REALIZED IT EVENTUALLY. I JUST WANT TO KNOW... WHY....Why are you trying to be friendly with me NOW!! AFTER EVERYTHING YOU SAID THAT DAY!! I HEARD YOU DAMNIT!! SO WHY THE FUCK DO YOU CARE!? WHY DO YOU CARE!!? W-why do I care? *Sob* why the fuck s-should I care Shizuo-chan?! Why does everything you say hurt so DAMN MUCH!!"

By this time Izaya is yelling at Shizuo, voice raw, banging on his chest wanting an answer he already has the answer to. Shizuo was shocked but seeing Izaya like this just makes his heart hurt for some reason.

"Izaya... I'm so sorry you had to hear that. In the moment I..I was blinded by anger, an that's no excuse I know-!" Shizuo get's cut off by Izaya hands wrapping around his neck..but there's no pressure on the hold.

"DON'T APOLOGIZE DAMN IT!! I'VE HEARD WORST BY PEOPLE I LET STAND BY MY SIDE!! I.... you're just...." Izaya collapse onto Shizuo's chest crying. "Why are you so damn different?? Why haven't you tried to kill me yet?? Why are you being so calm??" Izaya stands up now looking down at Shizuo still on the ground.

"Because I realized if you changed maybe I should too for the better. I've been getting help for my anger recently. And it helps really well. I don't want to fight anymore, and....I don't want to hurt someone who hasn't done anything. I'm really sorry, for what I said. And I know that's not enough. But I...I guess I'm not smart enough to figure out how to make this situation better." Shizuo get's up giving Izaya a small kind smile.

"...You want to make it up to me?? Seriously?" Izaya wipes off his tear stained faces while looking away embarrassed realizing he let Shizuo know so much.

"Yes, do you have any idea's?"

"Hmm...give me you n-numder and I'll call once I figure that out"

"I thought you already had my number?"

"Well yes I could get it again easily but I was trying to be polite by asking Heiwajima." Izaya glares slightly. Causing Shizuo to look down guiltily.

"Okay here"

"I'll contact you soon"



"Um....ah... I've heard about that once, I only remembered cause it looked so different the purple smoke coming from the cigarette you were smoking earlier... I'm going to be a giant hypocrite right now. But please stop smoking those."

"Hm..your right that was very hypocritical of you especially with all the cigarettes I've seen you stomp under your shoes.... I'll stop someday. But for now I don't think so. Bye."

Izaya leave Shizuo in the alley way.

"......Well that could have gone before"

"AH! Kasuka! When the hell did you get here!?"

"Hm? Oh I saw the whole thing, that was better than any drama I've played in. Great show."

"...Shut the fuck up."

"Okay" can't be. (SHIZAYA) Where stories live. Discover now