Starting Over

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Izaya's POV

"Orihara, I need to take 2 months off." I stare wide eyed and confused at Len's suddenness.

"Can you give me a reason for the sudden vacation? You can have it but what happened." I sit the file I was reading down and turn fully towards Len. "Well a mentor and a good friend of mine are currently trying to destroy each other. But they live all the way in Kyoto. My sister and a couple others are trying but they're just getting their asses beat. I would say more."

"I understand every underground is different, just don't get killed all right."

"Yes, See you Orihara" I wave as he walks out.

"Hm it seems I'll be alone earlier today.....when did I start caring about such things?"

Maybe I should go "No...not yet I can't go to Ikebukuro yet."

I know what to do.

"Hello? Who the fuck is this?"

"At least you said hello this time." I say dryly.

"Izaya! Uh hey what's up?"

"Come over, I bet that brother of yours has already told you where I live we need to talk a little more. Don't keep me waiting."

"Wait! Talk abo-" I hang up before he can say more.

"Now to wait"


*Knock knock!*

"It's open." I call out from the kitchen placing tea on a tray.

"What if it wasn't me? That's dangerous." I roll my eyes.

"Trust me Shizuo if it was anyone but you the other person would be in danger not me." I place the tray of tea on top of the coffee table.

"So...what did you want to talk about?"

"... First, have some tea." I watch Shizuo carefully as he picks up the cup...and just takes a regular sip. That's it....He didn't question it at all.

"Are you alright Izaya? Oh and nice place you got here it's more..bright if that makes any sense." I shake myself from my thoughts.

"Cut the small talk you and I both know you hate it. You didn't question it." I say gesturing towards his drink.

"Um, no? Should I be worried...I believed you didn't do anything to it." I stare in minor shock and surprise.

"You really do trust me more don't you?" He puts the cup down and takes a slow deep breath.

"Yes..I realized from multiple viewpoints you're not as bad of a person as I thought. Like yes you're not that good either but way better than I thought. Izaya...I want us to start over, all those years ago I judged you way too quickly. I hope we can get along better." I stand up quickly, jump behind the couch, pull out my switch blade and in one swift move it's against Shizuo's neck.

"Now~ That's one thing we're not going to do here, Shizu-chan. We will not, and I mean we will never start over. Do you know why?" With the blade against his neck he's surprisingly calm but answers in a deep quiet rough voice.


"Because we've been through too much to simply start off on a new slate... This, what I'm doing right now. Everything we've done up to this very point will stay. We will not simply push this all under the carpet and pretend it never happened because we both know we won't be able to do that. Something will come up and instead of just facing it head on, one of us will just want to avoid it. If I want friendship I don't want it to be some floppy piece of shit that will wash away as soon as a light sprinkle happens. Our friendship will be solid as a bolder, no matter what happens it'll stay strong. But like any friends that have a fight or disagreement you don't simply ignore it, you get past it, you go through it, you recognize it, deal with it, and then vanquish it. So I tell you again I'm ready to push past everything you've done. But the real question is can you Shizu-chan?" I removed the switchblade from his neck and walk around the couch to stand in front of him.

"I am Izaya Orihara, you are Shizuo Heiwajima. We have been fighting for years. Are you ready to go past it all? Truly I miss our chases but who says they have to be filled with blood lust? I formally want to end our fights...and you asked what you could do for you to make up for what you've done. This is your chance. Will you Shizuo Heiwajima, stop being my enemy and be my friend?" I crouch in front of him while he's still sitting on the couch. My hand stretches out to give him a hand shake like I tried to do all those years ago.

He stands up and walks past me... I guess this is his answer.

Then I feel hands going under my arms to stand me up. Then Shizuo walks back in front of me.

"If you want to give me a hand least do it right." He smirks at me as he takes my outstretched hand and gives it a firm shake.

"It would be an honor to be you friend Izaya Orihara."

This is the start of something new...something beautiful...something real...something strong. can't be. (SHIZAYA) Where stories live. Discover now