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Kasuka's POV

... why did I agree to this...

"I ALREADY TOLD YOU, I occasionally dress like a girl for information! So if I'm to be married I will NOT WEAR A WEDDING DRESS!!"

"Oh come on Iza-Iza!! You'd look so beautiful!!"

I'm some how ended between a screaming otaku and my brother's boyfriend... just great.

"AND WHO SAY'S I'M GETTING MARRIED??" Did I mention the only people who seem to know about the relationship between my brother and Izaya are the doctor, his wife and me.

"Never to early to start planning Flea" Izaya mouth drops open in disbelief then he quickly regains his composure and huff's.

"Oh shut it Shizu-chan" Shizuo smirks at Izaya who then tries to hide his blushing face behind a glass of beer.

Oh yeah the only reason I agreed to go to this whole bar get together was because Shinra said something about Shizuo.... I don't remember what he said excatly I just wanted to spend time with my brother. But I must say...I wish I declined because-

"OH MY- THAT WAS A SHIZAYA MOMENT!!! RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY EYES! I have to write this down for the bar scene in my fanfiction." That.... she's been yelling and muttering about that shortly after we all sat down. What is shes talking about exactly I'm afraid to ask.

"Erika, you've been saying that a lot since we sat down. What are you taly about?" He wouldn't be an info broker if he didn't ask questions.... Erika smiles and starts laughing in a creepily way.


"NOPE. NO. NUH UH. Don't you dare start some shit." The man I learned to be Walker slaps a hand over her mouth before she could say anything, she deflats.

"Hm...I'll look it up later" Izaya murmurs too quietly for the others to hear.


It's not even 2 hours later and it seems more chaos has erupted.



" Oh!~ Come on Shizuo there's multiple ways nowadays for male couples to have children....oops..."

Way to let the cat out of the bag Kishitani. But it seems the whom the other is in the relationship is what's confusing the other's.

Kadota scratches his head trying to figure it out. It seems out of everyone he figures it out first. "Well damn...congratulations.." He avoids all eye contact with Shizuo and Izaya while taking a long sip of his beer.

Erika wasn't having any of this, refusing to let go of the chance her ship? could be real, and turns to and leans forward on the table to get a look at Izaya who's glaring at Shinra across the table.

"Iza-Iza...you know anything about this?" Erika reached over me to poke Orihara's cheek, immediately snapping him out of his death. He turns to Erika, eyebrow raised and slightly annoyed.

"What?" Erika doesn't seem like a person to beat around the bush so her response to that doesn't surprise me.

"Are you dating Shizuo?" But how calm she said it was, the same goes to Izaya who looks like a deer caught in headlights.

"Um..." He looks over to Shizuo who immediately copies what Kadota is doing, effectively pushing his boyfriend under the bus. Leaving Orihara in utter disbelief. So Izaya does what he does best...makes the truth seem like a lie.

"Well of course, I can see it now me and Shizu-chan cuddled up on the couch. During a cold winter night awe~ just imagining it seems splendid" He gives the biggest smirk and Erika's face hits the table as she groans. Izaya's shoulder shakes as he tries to hold in his laughter.

Sadly in seconds Erika pops back up and looks at my brother.

"Shizu-shizu! Then who are you dating!?" My brother slowly put his now empty glass when I realized the other reason why I came here...Shizuo can't hold his liquor, the most he can have is 3 cups of beer before he's a soft giggling mess who can't hold anything in....and I mean anything.

"Huh? Oh I'm dating Izaya of course...wait no we weren't going to tell anyone yet" He looks over to Izaya with his now half lidded eyes and red face. "Sorry love~!"


I look over to Izaya whose face is brighter than a cherry. He immediately covers his face with his hands and groans softly. "You stupid, *Hic!* idiotic, unintelligent, protozoan!" He removes his hands from over his face, still read but slightly more composed. "You can't say something like that for the first time drunk!! *Hic!*"

It seems when he's flustered he gets the hiccups...that's...different. But it seems my brother doesn't mind.

"SHINRA THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" No brother shouldn't have gotten drunk, but I'd rather Izaya yell a Kishitani too.

"AHHHHHHH!! NO WAY NO FUCKING WAY IT'S REAL IT'S REAL WALKER!!N LOOK AT THIS IT'S REAL!-" Walker quickly puts Erika in a headlock.

"Okay enough of that hahaha..."

Let's just say we were kicked out-

I helped Shizuo to his apartment and of course Izaya followed, but not before being pulled to the side by Kishitani.

"Remember protection!" And then he ran off to Celty.... being a horrible whisper.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!! What am I saying I already know ...." He turns towards me realizing I heard everything and turns red. I just look the other way, still with no emotion and try to help my giggling brother to his apartment.

"I know you two have already done it. No reason to be embarrassed." I try to make him feel better. Izaya looks at me face now pale, and takes off up the street.

"...I guess that didn't work out the way I wanted.." I say to myself. While my older brother pouts wanting to chase after his love.

"Fleeeeeaaaa" He helplessly reaches a hand out and I put it down.

"Don't worry he's probably just going to break it through the window like last time" He looks at me like a confused puppy.

"Flea has key?" I look at my brother in genuine shock, eyebrows raised and everything. "Wow...guess you do love him" The brother just goes back to giggling... good luck Orihara.

Is my last thought before focusing on avoiding potential fans and for us not to trip over eachother.


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