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Vorona's POV

I can't FUCKING BELIEVE THIS...how in the hell is this all my falt...their us no fucking way in hell that I am the cause of me and my loves break up nononon No! It can't be their must be some other reason but...what could it be...or maybe not what...who. While I was walking going to my old apartment sense me a Shizuo are no longer together I see what people call the black rider or for what I learned name is Celty and one of Shizuo's friends or as I see her as more of a rival comes, up to me PDA in hand most likely wanting to talk.

"Hello Celty, what can I do for you to day"
"Nothing much actually, just wandering around the city looking out for some one."
"Oh...?And who are yoy looking for could I be of any help?"
"Yeah, I guess have you seen Izaya around the city at all as of lately"

Izaya. He might have something to-do with this...he must something to do with this...danm monster.

"Sorry, no I have not but if I do I call, well then farewell Celty have a good day."
"Ah,okay thanks anyway and you too"

At that Celty drove off and it seems I have to make a quit stop at a certain in monsters apartment to see what horrible spell they put on my love.

Izaya's POV

Ahh today was much more cloudy for my liking...maybe today will be better even though I have nothing to do sense I wasn't ablevto fall asleep last night I know right shocker! But anyway sense today maches mu now every day mood. I'll go for a walk around Ike-I mean Shinjuku or take a route around Ikebukuro and walk around kita-city for awhile.... Ne~ too long I'll just walk around Shinjuku sense I'm not welcome in Ikebukuro any more. Oh who the hell am I'm talking about me of couse Izaya Orihara the one that's wanted no where but dead to the people of Tokyo and most likely some of the soranding area too. To br honest I wouldn't be surprised if the leader of hell wouldn't want any thing to do with me other then let my horrible soul burn in there hell pits till the end of time even more if that was even possible. Ha~ yeah, I know me the self induced god Orihara Izaya talking about burning in hell...well that is because I finally realized ture reality in all it's color or lack of in my case.... Where was I...yes well let go on my hopefully some what eventful most likely will not be walk around Shinjuku.

What Izaya didn't know was that going for this walk saved him some trouble...not all just some.

Verona's POV

Today's the day I finally get rid of that monster...he's the real reason why my Shizuo broke up with me... I just know it. That monster must gave threaten Shizuo with my life and because Shizuo is no monster he couldn't ever kill someobe even if it was the flea...so I will just have to do it myself without my love knowing of course or he might hate me-oh who am I'm kidding he will finally be actually happy cause now he can love me with no doubt that the info-monster will do anything to use cause well he'll be in is apartment slowy decomposing sense no one would care to put him in a 6ft deep hole so forget a coffin all together.
Verona thought on her way to the informants apartment but when she go there she was met with quit a surprise.

By now for the past half a hour looking though/destroying Izaya apartment just too kill him not knowing that the informant already came to his apartment about to unlock his door just to hear her might I add where he is. To most likely kill him which to Izaya isn't even a shocker anymore.


....And at that Izaya knew to make a call to the person he doesn't want too see but needs him to get rid of what's his that happen to break into Izaya's apartments no one other them Shizuo Haweijima.

Shizuo's POV

Shizuo was standing outside his apartment complex taking a smoke when hr got a call from an unknown number.

"Who the hell is calling me?"

Still he picked it up any way.

"Who the fuck is this?"

'Wow you have always had a way with words you know that Shizu-chan~'

What the fuck...is this flea really calling me?

"What the hell do you want flea you must want somthing cause there would be no other reason for you to be calling me otherwise you would have called someone else who sure as hell ain't me."

'Well yes, you are right about me wanting me to do something but sorry to say your the only one I know who can hanble this one situation'

"Yeah, and might I ask what the situation your on that so happens to invole me also?"

Shizuo said with much irritation coming from this overall confiscation.

'Well if I might add.... Your girl friend Vorona broke into my apartment looking to kill me while I was out for a walk around Shinjuku so if you wouldn't mind getting your bitch out of my apartment so I can fix everything she most definitely has destroyed'


At this Shizuo was at a lost...Vorona said she was gonna stay with a friend then go back to Russia...not stay with a friend and go kill Izaya?!

"Please tell me your joking...."

'Shizuo...if I was joking this call would have never happened...trust me, now if you please get over here and get you crazy girl friend-'

"Ex, ex-girl friend I broke up with her yesterday"

'I-wait really? Oh, NEVER mind with that just get your crazy ex-girlfriend out my apartment before I call the cops...even though she is your ex I don't think you want her behind bars, do you?'

"Yeah-yeah, I'll be there as fast a I can and hopefully be able to stop this madness she stated."

'Thank you.'

And with that the informant hung up.

"AHHHH, DAMN IT VORONA!...this is why I broke up with you!"

1049 words



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