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Shinra's POV

"CELTY THE LOVE OF MY LIFE PLEASE!! WE HAVE TO DO IT OR THEY'LL NEVER BE TOGETHER!!" I hold onto my loves legs as she tries to shake me off.

"NO! ugh I knew I shouldn't have told you anything. I bet you weren't supposed to tell me anything either were you?!"

"Of course not but you expected me to just stay quiet after you tell me Shizuo likes Izaya back!? Like even I thought the man wasn't going to like him back!! But they won't ever tell eachother and I've had this plan for years!! Celty YEARS!! And I need your help to make it happen." I try to reason with her.

"Shinra no!! It's too cruel!"

"Was that supposed to faze me!!?" Like seriously with my track record. That wasn't the right response and she kicked me with her other foot but I still don't let go.


"CELTY! I'm very stubborn and persistent man you know this...please!!"

"FINE FINE, But if they get mad at me all this is one YOU!" I get up off the ground and hug her.

"Of course I wouldn't want it any other way!"


Izaya's POV

"...Your school uniform is NOT what I meant when I said presentable...and you know it! Good back and get changed. It's a good thing I came extra early." I roll my eyes at my sisters as they mumble curses at me as they go change.

"'s got to suck I just know it."


"What the fuck are they doing?!" I'm about to march in there when they finally come out.

"That's!!" They are wearing dog and cat hoodies... that's still not what I meant. But if they change again we will be late.

"Better than what you had on before and probably the best we're gonna get. Let's go before we're late."

"Iza-nii stop being so mean. You know the only one Dad nitpicks at is you." I ignore Kururi. And start walking.

"Shut up, let's just get this over with." I take about two step...then I remember my sisters, are my sisters and they grab onto my arms.... "You two aren't going to let go are you?"

"No." Mairu is always few with words... I shake my head and walk with my siblings. No one realizes who I am since I'm always in my coat...I should have used my car this time anyway.



"Let go, I need to open the door"

"You still have the key!? Wow I melted it already." Why...did you melt it...forget it.

I unlock the door and we, walk in take off our shoes, and walk into the living...

"Hello father. Hello Aico...and who is this?~"

"Hiya Mom! Hiya Dad! Hiya strange lady!"

"Hello.... everyone."

"Izaya fix that tone, Kururi calm down, Mairu...nevermind." That's my voice, and I am a 26 year old man. What time are you hearing? You haven't seen your daughters in years and you expect them to listen to you? The only actual parent here who tries is Aico!

"Anyway kids, let me introduce you to Viniko Zanto. A friend of mine's daughter, who I made an agreement with before you all were born." I'm not liking the sound of this. This woman, Viniko Zanto, she's much shorter than me, looks like she's been fed with a silver spoon her whole life, and is used to getting what she wants. Natural brown hair, dark brown eyes, and wearing a bright blue summer early spring...

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you Zanto-san"

"Please call me Vini, and pleasure is all mine, Orihara." She's so fake, I almost gagged. But do remember father have a friend who was called something Zanto but I believed he died, I guess he's friends with the wife too.

"Izaya you are to marry her in 3 month" I wanted to be wrong, why couldn't I have been wrong?

"Father, I seriously don't think that's a wise decision..."

"Yeah Dad, and Iza-nii likes boys anyway!" My sister's are trying to kill me, I knew it was all an act!

"No...there's just been some misunderstanding.~" I have to keep my cool. But I also can't let my father, who I haven't seen since I was 19, suddenly pop up with a woman he wants me to marry!?

"Oh? Well I'm quite open minded myself, Zanto has a son she's willing to let marry you too if this wasn't to work out...unless you already have a lover?" I...can't believe he just went over that like it was nothing.

"Not exactly father, but I can't marry any of these people." I try to reason with him.

"Izaya! You are 25 years old! It's ridiculous how you have nothing to show for it!" ....Oh?~ Okay then.~

"Just for your information father. I am actually quite a wealthy man, that information passing as you call it, I'm quite successful at it. The money you keep putting in that account? I don't use it. I give it all to the twins, because just like how you want nothing to do with me. I want nothing to do with you. You know I disappeared for a couple years? The only one who called to see if I was alive was Aico. Which actually surprised me. Reason why I changed the account so the money you give me goes to the twins was so just in case I end up dead they wouldn't have to worry until you, yourself wondered where I went. Let me guess you still think I live in that small apartment from my highschool days? Don't you?" I walk up to my father whose face stays completely blank.

"You have no clue what I've been up to. What I've done. What I've been doing. Or even where I live? So do you think I'm going to let you. Make me marry someone? You could try to hire someone to find me...but the people I hide from on a regular basis...are nothing compared to some cheap lackey you're gonna try to pay to locate me. You know why? Because I'm the person most people come to when they need to find something...or someone." *Slap!* I feel slight pain on my cheek...and I laugh.

"HAHAHAHA! I've been hit in the head by a fucking vending machine! It's across the street with a stop sign!! Felt every bone in my arm break! Twice!! If you think that did anything father, you're dead wrong." I glare up at my father...

"When I was younger I didn't get what was happening but I do now. You cheated on your mother, once you realized she already had one foot in the grave. Tried to manipulate me. But you missed something...the fact you know nothing about me. I for one know when a game piece, does the unexpected get quite frustrating? Huh. But here's where you messed up. To you...I was a pawn, yes? But...the queen to that game you got a new board. Sadly, I was a pawn on a foreign board..and you forgot about that, thinking nothing was gonna change, but it was your mistake. Because so much did." I turn away from my father and walk towards the door.

"I'm not marrying anyone you want me too, and neither are my sisters. No hard feelings right Aico?" She didn't know my parents were still together while they were dating, oops hehe.

"Let's go twin's, I'll get you some snacks."

"You didn't need to bribe us to get us to leave, it's so stuffy here!"


"Yeah, yeah." I finish putting on my shoes and about to walk out when father says one more thing.

"Izaya....are you happy? Like this?" I ponder for a moment.

"...If you asked me that a couple months ago. I probably wouldn't have answered or said no...but now" I think about how far I've come. How much fun I've had recently with Shizu-chan. How much others have..helped me..told me they care about me...

"I couldn't be any better...good bye father."



I laugh at their antics and start to leave.

"Yes I know, but not too many you need to have actual dinner you know this." They huff but don't argue back.

Oh this will be a story to tell. can't be. (SHIZAYA) Where stories live. Discover now