The Angel Oak

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Pope crouched down observing the casket that Rafe and Renfield dug up

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Pope crouched down observing the casket that Rafe and Renfield dug up. Kie comforted him as we stood around. "Denmark was hung for burying his wife, and now they defiled her grave." Pope was upset and it was well understood why. "We can't leave her like this." Pope stood back up. He and the boys helped put back together the casket.

"I-I just don't get it. I mean, you guys saw the map. He hides his gold so no one finds it for 170 years. And then he sends a message to his son Robert to come here to his mother's grsve, but the message never get to him. Denmark wanted him to find the cross. I know we're in the right spot. It just feels like-." Pope went on and on until JJ finished his sentence. "Like we missed something? Guys, come here." JJ and kie climbed on top of twinkie and looked at the angel oak that had the same appearance as the painting in the island room.

JJ was hesitant at first to stick his srm down the hole and no one else had the balls to do it. "He's scared." Kie whispered. "I'm not scared, dude." JJ remarked back to her. I shook my head at his nervousness which was really funny.

He stuck him arm in very slowly and then pretended like something grabbed his arm. He was laughing but we were all scared until he started laughing. "Oh my gosh. You're so stupid!" I held my hand over my chest as my heart raced. "Oh,man! I got all of you on that one. Wait, but seriously there's something in here." JJlaughed then proceeded to stick his hand in the hole.

JJ handed the item to Pope who then gave it to John B. There was writing on it. It read, "you've come this far. Do not falter. The cross is on the freedman's altar."

"The cross is at the church!" Pope excitedly cheered.

We headed into the van and drove back down the long muddy road. As we were almost halfway down the road the tide had already rolled in.

"How deep is that?" Kie asked as she looked out the window. I sat straight up trying to peep through the cracked windshield. "I don't know. The road's gone." John B stomped on the breaks.

After the boys decided to proceed through the mud I held onto the side of the van. Kie, Sarah, and I all looked at each other. There was no way we'd make it through the water. "Ladies and gentleman fasten your seatbelts. Hold onto something. We're going into hyperdrive." John B put the van back in drive. "I'll say a quick prayer." JJ anxiously held onto the bar in front of him.

He took off as fast as he could and we were doing fine up until we weren't. We slid all the way into the water.

We stood standing in the water. All I could think about was the gators JJ talked about when we got here. "Okay, maybe we can walk from here." Pope threw an idea out. "What? And leave the twinkie? T-the tides coming in." John B gestured to the water.

"I can take my dad's truck." Kie tightly shut her eyes as the words rolled off her tongue. She was already in trouble with her parents. She had nothing else to lose. "We're gonna need something to pull her out with. There's the winch at the chateau. That's, like, two miles." JJ casually mentioned.

We decided to go with that idea. John B, Sarah, Pope, and I decided to stay back while Kie and JJ went to get the truck and winch.

Sarah and I sat on top of the twinkie as John B and Pope walked around in the water. "So how's things with Rafe? Clearly you two aren't broken up anymore." Sarah turned her head to my direction. "Uh yeah we actually got back together the night he tried to kill you. I know, crazy but he needs me and I need him. He would never hurt me. I know thede bruises say otherwise but he wouldn't try to kill me. I know there's good in him." I defended Rafe. "Well I mean someone has to be there for him. My family's too screwed up to know what love means." Sarah shrugged. John B walked over and stood by the twinkie. "What are you two talking about?" He asked as he held onto his bandana. " criminal boyfriend." I smiled sarcastically. He nodded his head not wanting to know more.

Sarah and John B kept looking at each other while we sat on twinkie. They still hadn't made up and the tension was high.

"So here's something I think we can do. We can maybe find something to leverage the Twinkie, and you can drive it out." Pope threw the idea out. "Let's do driftwood." John B stated fixing his bandana.

They both split ways and went to go look for some driftwood. Hopefully we were getting out of here! I could tell Pope was a little nervous while waking through the water. Sarah and I watched. "Are you two planning on getting back together?" I sighed. "I..I don't know. It's just weird. If we don't work out maybe it's supposed to be that way." She exhaled loudly and watched as John B walked in the water. I just shrugged and asked no further questions.

Sarah and I sat up when we heard water splash where John B was. "John B?" Sarah called out for him. "Help!" He called out splashing in the water. Sarah called for Pope to help her. "Sarah what's happening?" Pope started making his way to John B. I stood on top of the Twinkie trying to see what was going on. Sarah grabbed a knife from the twinkie and pushed through the water as fast as she could. "Pope, a gator has him!" She screamed.

Another chapter done!! Brinley obviously isn't the sharpest tool in the shed...smh.

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