Boy who cried wolf

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The crew and I hurried to the location and hid with a "telephoto" as Pope calls it, whatever that means

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The crew and I hurried to the location and hid with a "telephoto" as Pope calls it, whatever that means. Let me remind you it's pouring down rain.

The two men ran out of Pope's frame. "No, no,no,no. I'm losing him. Shit, where's he going?" The four of us looked around, squiting as water hit us in the face.

JJ ran off and got a better idea of where the two men went. "Hey, I found something. Come here!" He whisper shouted at us and we ran off to meet him.

We climed up a ladder and squated as close to the ground of a roof as best as we could. Lighting struck and my heart was racing.

"You rolling Pope?" JJ asked as he concentrated on the two men in the distance.

From what we could see Ward was trying to payoff Gavin to keep him from turning Rafe in. In my mind I was happy that ward was protecting Rafe but as a pogue I had to be upset.

Since Pope had the better view he kept filling us in on what was happening. "Gavin doesn't look too happy about something. It looks like he's yelling at Ward."

Out of nowhere they started fighting, which became super intense. "Wards kicking the shit out of Gavin." Pope stated to the group.

"Holy shit. Wards got a gun." Pope kept his eyes on the scene.

"I bet that's the murder weapon." Kie's voice was in a panic. I glared over at her.

We watched as Ward turned around and shot gavin. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. My heart literally felt like it was gonna fall out of my ass.

"No,no,no,no. That did not just happen." Kie cried.

JJ looked to Pope who was still recording. "Tell me you just got that."

"Enough to put this asshole away for life." Pope stated with anger in his voice.

Pope continued recording, watching as Ward was in a hurry to find the gun. Unfortunately for Ward, the gun felll down into the drain from the water running through the street.

Kie stood up and shouted out to Ward. "What is wrong with you? Murderer!" I think all of the world could hear her!

"Kie, what the hell is wrong with you dude?" I slapped her arm after Pope and JJ dragged her back down.

Ward frantically ran around the street trying to figure out where the sound cane from. Pope stood up to check and immediately Ward saw us.
Pope went down the ladder first and JJ followed. As he went down Kie stepped onto his hand and he slipped and fell on top of Pope, breaking the camera!

"You're kidding me. You fumbled it?" JJ yelled at Pope. It wasn't Pope's fault though, regardless we needed to run.

We kept running and made our way back to the car. I was soaking wet and my shoes were squishy! Being a pogue was tough work if I say so myself.

JJ couldn't comprehend what just happened right in front of us. "Holy crap. I can't believe it. What were they fighting over?"

" was the gun, the one Rafe used. He must've kept it." Pope stumbled on his words.

"Of course! Of course! The murder weapon." JJ screamed as we sat in the car.

"Would you please stop saying murder! Just say gun!" I was so frustrated and overwhelmed.

Kie called the cops as she cried. The boys were worried and still in a panic from what just occurred. Minutes later shoupe and the rest of the minions showed up to the site but the body was already gone.

"So Ward Cameron just popped one off and shot him." Shoupe made it seem like we were lying. We had all the proof...key word HAD.

I kept quiet as Pope,Kie, and JJ answered his questions. I didn't wanna say anything and risk being interrogated seeing as I was just with Rafe at Peterkins funeral. There was no way anyone would believe me.

Kie explained to Shoupe what happened with the camera and basically we were crying wolf to him. He thought it was all made up. Shoupe almost believed us for a second.

He told us that all eye witnesses of what happened on the tarmac told the police different than what actually occurred that day. I guess now you wanna know if I spoke to the cops.....I did, but I protected Rafe. None of my friends know that I talked to the police or even covered for Rafe.

Kie and JJ started arguing about whose fault it was that we lost the camera. "Hey! We can still go get the gun." Pope starred at the drain.

Welp....tomorrow should be interesting. That night I stayed with Kie and let my parents know I was okay and alive...barely. I should've told them my boyfriends dad tried to murder us and that he killed a cop who tried to blackmail him. What is my life?

Is anyone shocked that Brinley covered for Rafe? Do you guys think she'll turn on the pogues?

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