Magic scarf

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Thankfully we all moved just in time before the cross came crashing down to the floor

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Thankfully we all moved just in time before the cross came crashing down to the floor.

The boys examined the cross. It was by far the coolest thing I have ever seen! It had so much detail and obviously took a lot of time to create.

"This is bigger than money, and the world's gotta know the truth." Pope slowly breathed out. He didn't look or sound too good. "Yes. And if we don't get this shit out of here before Limbrey gets here, nobody's gonna know. So saddle up." We tried picking it up but it was incredibly heavy! We got it as far as the first pew before Pope let go. I looked over at Pope while John B and JJ were figuring out how to lift it. "Hey, okay?"

He laid on his side holding his arm in pain. His eyes were so swollen. "He's having an allergic reaction." Kie slowly bent down to look at his face. "Guys we need to get him some help! Like now!" I shouted.

JJ tried to hide the cross as best as he could with the pillow cushions. Kie and John B helped Pope walk to the twinkie. "JJ come on hurry up!" I yelled as Sarah and I ran to the door.

Nobody else noticed but as we peeled off I saw someone run into the church. I couldn't make out who it was but there was no way it'd be there when we got back.

JJ drove us to his cousins house that he stole the ambulance from. "Ricky! Ricky! Hey, Ricky!" He pulled on the door but it was locked. "Ricky, hey! I got a problem, bro! I know you're mad at me!" JJ yelled at him through the door.

We banged on the windows and the doors just so he would help us. Finally he caved and opened the door. Sarah shoved everything off the guy's table and we slid Pope onto it. JJ followed him to find the first aid kit. He found it after scattering around. "Okay, what do we do now?" JJ stood anxiously. "You don't do anything cause you're not a paramedic. Okay. Hey, Pope. How you doing man? You look like shit. Here's the thing. This is a pediatric dose of epinephrine." Ricky held the syringe in his hand. "Is that gonna be enough?" Sarah strongly asked. "It is ten times a normal dose. So if...if it doesn't stop his heart, it'll help him. But I gotta use the whole thing, or it won't work. And i'm not going doen if he dies." Ricky looked directly at JJ. "Okay! Fine! Do it! Hit it!" JJ gave the okay and Ricky injected the dose. " That's it." Ricky looked around at all of us laying the needle on the table and zipping up the kit. "Now what?" Sarah asked holding onto Pope. "Now we wait." Ricky stated.

Pope finally woke back up. He sat straight up breathing heavily. He started taking his jacket off and then ran out the front door so he could get fresh air.

I'm not sure why but Pope was driving us in Kie's dads truck. I sat on half of JJ's lap and half of Sarah's in the backseat, wearing no seatbelt. "Uh...Pope, you're driving pretty fast." Sarah sat buckled in her seat. "Yeah and i'm not wearing a seatbelt so please be careful." I held onto the passenger seat in front of me.

He was all over the road and I was extremely nervous. "Hey, how you doing buddy?" John B asked as if he was talking to a little kid. "Uh, fantastic. I don't know what JJ's cousin gave me, but I am moving!" Pope exclaimed. He swerved from lane to lane. "I don't know if you noticed, but there's the giant oak trees all alomg the road. They're like soz inches off the road." John B nervously spoke. He was even holding onto the car.

Pope looked back and took his eyes off the road. Next thing I knew we sat crashed into an oak tree. I felt JJ's arm wrap tightly around my waist as we spun. The driver and passenger airbags deployed and the tires screeched. The glass in all the windows broke.

"Is everyone okay?" John B coughed. "Never better." JJ shook his head. He let go of me and we made our way out of the truck. I have never been more sore in my life.

As we stood on the side of the road a big truck came driving by slowly. We all looked up. Rafe and Renfield. "Woah. Woah. Woah. RAFE STOP!" I yelled loudly. The truck came to a halt. I ran to the side of the driver side door and watched as he jumped out. "Brinley! Come back here!" John B called for me.

"Brin what the hell are you doing? I could've run over you!" Rafe yelled at me. "I'm going with you! I know you have it." I jumped into the truck and sat in the middle seat between Renfield and Rafe. I looked over at Renfield. "Don't you dare touch me or so help God i'll chop your hands off your body and feed them to the gators." He put his hands up and crossed his arms. "Wow got you a good one there Rafe." He smarted off. Rafe just laughed to himself. I had no idea where they planned on going.

Shortly after we arrived at some sort of airport or something. Limbrey was waiting at the car. Renfield unlocked the back of the truck revealing blankets covering the cross. "Told you I'd get it, didn't I?" Renfield reassured Limbrey. "Before we do this, I just wanna remind you of the deal, okay?" Rafe calmly stood away. I stood beside him holding onto his arm. "You really are your father's son aren't you? Talking about deals at a moment like this." Limbrey kept her eyes on Renfield. "I showed you the mural. I get my cut." Rafe starred at Limbrey. I looked up at him confused. "...YOU showed her the island room?" I was dumbfounded.

Rafe left my grasp and went to help Renfield take the bulky blankets off the cross. I slowly walked closer to it, Limbrey stood shakily in front of us examining the cross. "It's so beautiful." She whispered. She took the key out of her pocket and unlocked the cross. As she opened the small door there was nothing in it. "Hm. The magic scarf was eaten by bugs." Rafe laughed. I also couldn't help but giggle. Renfield really got a good kick out of it. She slapped him and then he shoved her to the ground. "That's it. You're cut off. You're not getting a penny." Limbrey barked out at him. "I don't need your money. I've got the cross now." Renfield smirked and walked away. I still stood near the cross. Renfield laughed at her after she asked for help. Next thing I knew gunshots.

I watched as Rafe dropped to the ground to duck down and Renfields body dropped. All of a sudden I felt this crazy sensation take over my body. I ran my fingers to the top of my left shoulder. I looked as them as I my hands shook. Blood. "R-Rafe...?" I've been shot.

AHHHHH CLIFFHANGER!!!!! I know this obviously doesn't follow the series buttttt I thought it could be interesting to add in and create more chaos. I feel like we could also see a better side of Rafe with this situation.

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