Sarah's a Pogue

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Eventually I made it the chateau. I had so many thoughts in my head, I felt like I was drowning. I just needed a night to let go and feel free.

When I arrived everyone was back at the dock. "Hey pogues." I waved as I walked down to meet them.

"Hello Kook." JJ sarcastically smirked at me. I rolled my eyes. "I'm only a partial kook. Anyways. Whats going on?"

JJ tossed me a beer as I leaned against the railing. "John B and Pope are whining like little babies."

"We're not whining just contemplating feelings. We don't cry." He looked at Pope. "You know it's not your fault, right?" Kie questioned as she held a blunt between her fingers. "You think she'll come around?" John B asked the group.

"John B that girl is in love with you. She'll find her sanity. She's just as much of a pogue as I am." I happily replied. Sarah and I were both half breeds if I say so myself.

"Sarah's a pogue. She'll come around. Yep. You know, she'll come back to me. Right. You know, I was just thinking about it. I'm gonna do a backflip." He slurred his words ever so slightly. Obviously he was already tipsy. "Hold my beer that you already dropped." He handed Pope his beer and flipped. We all cheered him on.

It was honestly the best night i've had in a while. I drank lots of beers and shared Kie's blunt. After that I don't remember what we did.

We all woke up the next morning early due to the fact that we had to go back to hell, sorry I meant school. I feel like we never attend school but we do occasionally. I woke up with a pounding headache. I slept on the ground in front of JJ. Kie and Pope were already awake trying to get everyone else up.

"Um...I will meet up with you guys later." Kie looked around the home. "Seriously Kie? You're gonna make me and Pope take care of them?" She patted my shoulder. "Yeah! Sorry dude! Have fun."

Pope drove us to school since the rest of us were unable. I sat in the front holding my head in my hands with sunglasses covering my eyes, still wearing my shorts and hoodie. JJ and Johm B laid in the back of twinkie.

"Let's go. Up and at em' boys....and girl." Pope shut the door and headed  inside.

I sat in class with my sunglasses on and my head on my desk. We unfortunately took a quiz. I looked over to the boys chatting quietly.

"A test?" John B aggressively whispered to Pope. "I told you we had a test." Pope whispered back. I shook my head.

"Bonfire?" JJ asked John B as we walked throughout the school. "Well, I think she meant to givenit yo me, so we're all good there. We're going." JJ mentioned. "You guys I don't think a bonfire is something we should attend after all the chaos that's gone on." I tried to persuade them. "Oh come on Brin. It'll be fun!" John B said while walking up some stairs.

"Hey..Mr.Heyward, Mr.Routledge,Mr.Maybank,Ms.Davis, just the men and women I wanted to see." Mr. Sunn pulled us into his classroom. I stumbled in and bumped into a desk. "I have a question of an historical nature for you gentlemen and lady. I digitize documents for the maritime museum, and in return, i've been given access to the archives. And I found..this." Mr.Sunn went into the closet in his class room and pulled out a silver box.

"Oh goodie he brought a box with him!" I Sarcastically chimmed in. "More than a box Ms.Davis. Go ahead mr.Heyward." Pope slowly put his hands onto the packaged items. It was a diary that had definitely seen better days.

"And this is a sample of a Denmark Tanny letter. Compare the handwriting." Pope and John B inspected each document. "This is Denmark Tanny's diary. Guys, it's captain Limbrey. August 6th,1829." Pope read from the diary.

"That's the year the Royal Merchant went down." John B shared with us.

"I thought you might find it interesting. It's important to know your own history." Mr.Sunn told Pope. He wasn't wrong. "Oh my God. It's the cross of Santo Domingo. It was on the Royal Merchant."

And.....we're ending this chapter here! Stay tuned for more. (;

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