Dead is alive

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"Brinley, hun you need to go find Rafe

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"Brinley, hun you need to go find Rafe. You don't need to be here." Ward turned to me. Out of shocked I listened. I couldn't believe Ward was alive.

I stumbled out of the room and made my way around the boat looking for Rafe. I walked to the front of the boat holding my shoulder from the pain I was in.

Rafe was in the cockpit of the boat talking to the "captain". "Oh hey babe, you okay? Look all i'm saying is that there was an explosion in the shipyards. Where'd that come from, huh? I wouldn't put it past these assholes,man. You don't know them. They could've gotten on the ship. Listen, why not make sure? What's it gonna hurt?" Rafe wrapped his arm around my waist loosely. "What...what are you talking about? Who's on the boat? Maybe you wanna explain to me why the hell  your dad is on this boat?!" I looked up at him. He was stressed and sweaty. "I'll explain everything later. Come on."  Rafe grabbed my hand and dragged me with him.

He brought me down to an area with a big wooden box and began to unlock it. "Is this what I think it is?" I watched as he unlocked the box. "Brin, please just-yes. Yes it is." He rolled his eyes and struggled to pull of the lid. Wheezie walked in slowly observing the cross. "Wow." Was all she could say. "The family was in trouble. We though dad was dead. I'm the one who stepped up, okay? I took care of business, right? This thing is worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Do you understand that?" Rafe was in disbelief but also was sounding way too cocky for his own good. "Honestly, I..I don't care about this. I don't care about the money. I care about Sarah. Is she okay? No one will tell me." Wheezie asked Rafe. "Thank you! Finally someone is on the same page. I knew I could count on you Wheez." I patted her shoulder. "We talked about- wheezie! Listen, this is the cross of Santo Domingo, okay? They say this is worth more than the gold we got from the Royal Merchant. I got this for all of us, for our family...including Brinley. And don't forget that." Rafe stated while looking up at me and Wheezie. Honestly I was happy he was looking out for me but I also didn't need money. I just wanted my boyfriend to get some help and go back to before we even found the gold! "Rafe, this cross means nothing to me. Maybe to my friends but why is it so hard for you to let go of all this? You don't need the gold either." I threw my only good hand up and laid it by my side. "Because Brin, we're losing our money! We're basically going broke. I-I can't live like a pogue. I'm from figure 8, we don't have to worry about money or being homeless." Rafe shouted. I was taken back at his words. " i'm just another homeless that your family took in? Whats so bad about being humble and appreciating the people who bust their ass to provide for themselves? Rafe, you have no idea what it's like to not have anything! Before I came to obx my family lived in a studio apartment in California sharing one car! We barely had money to buy the surf shop but my parents wanted better for me and allowed me to bust my ass. I didn't ask to live on figure 8. Our home isn't even half the size of yours and yet i'm still considered a kook. I don't wanna be a kook or another homeless. So if that's all I am to you I'm out." I started walking away from him. He grabbed my arm gently and spun me around grabbing my body closer to him as he held my face is his hands. "You are not just another girl Brin. You mean everything to me. I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for you okay? Nothing is wrong with you being a pogue or a kook or whatever! I appreciate you and all that you give me. Just please don't leave me. I need you. I'm sorry for yelling at you...I just..I have to look out for my family, okay?" He whispered gently before pulling me in for a kiss. I nodded my head as I leaned my forehead against his.

We went back up to the upper level of the boat and sat in a room with the rest of the Cameron family. "Hey everyone." Rafe sat down on the seat and pulled me onto his lap. "Sweetie, what I need you to understand more than anything is that I never imagined that you would be there. I wanted to call you immediately to tell you that I was okay, to explain it all but I couldn't. But I had to make sure Rafe got away." Ward whispered to Sarah only loud enough for the room to hear. "Thank you, Dad." Rafe smiled. "At least one of us is grateful." He barked to Sarah. I hit his chest and gave him a glare. "I promised Rafe that he wouldn't go to prison for helping me. I had to make good on that promise." Ward spoke. "Wait...Rafe you knew he was alive and never told me?" I was upset, Rafe lied. "Brinley why are you even here? You're not even part of the family." Ward aggressively spoke to me. Rafe's face quickly turned to his dads direction. "Trust me Ward, I don't wanna be here. I would be glad to turn your ass in but because I actually love your son, more than you ever could say or show, i'm here for him. Not for you so don't think I won't turn you in." I crossed my arms. Sarah had a smirk on her face but quickly wiped it off when Ward glared at her. "And she is family dad." Rafe spoke through his clenched jaw.

SO I know I said this would be the last chapter but obviously not. The last episode is too long to squeeze it all in so probably another two more chapters before the book is over!

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