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As I stood facing Rafe I tried to figure out where everyone went

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As I stood facing Rafe I tried to figure out where everyone went. I just so happened to look up and they were all in a tree with there fingers over their mouths telling me to hush.

"What..uh, what are you doing here? Where are the rest of...the rest of the pogues?" Rafe held the gun in his hand keeping it at the ground.

"Uh I have no idea. I just I got too stoned and drunk and didn't want my parents to find out. So I came here. It's just me here!" I tried my hardest to stay calm and persuade him. "How was um...the bahamas?"

"There was nothing other than her." Barry pointed at me. I just rolled my eyes at him.

"They were obviously just here based off the smoke, man." Rafe pointed at the firepit we were sitting around.

I couldn't help but look up every so often to make sure John B, Sarah, and JJ were all okay in the tree.

"First off, her has a name, so learn it and uh..yeah they just left but never mentioned where they were going. I went to the bathroom before they left." I lied straight out of my ass. Rafe was always able to tell when I lied.

"P4L." Barry read as he looked at the memorial we made on the tree.

"What? Friendship is funny to you two? You two are only friends because you're using each other." I scoffed and made my way to stand by the tree.

"Oh you wanna talk about using people now? Do you not remember the past couple of months? You've been using me to give your pogues and my sister all the details they need to turn me in!" Rafe laughed which made Barry laugh with him.

"Rafe are you joking? Who's using who? Let's talk about the police- just forget it. I'm wasting my breath just arguing with you." I walked closer to the chateau and sat on the stairs. I had to stop talking before I exposed myself to the group.

"Well shit. So you're sister's a pogue for life,huh Rafe? Now who would've thought?" Barry laughed once again.

I could see Rafe's laughter turn into anger. Which was never good. All of a sudden his breathing was heavy and he screamed. "SHIT!!!!"

Out of no where he started shooting random shots. I looked up into the tree making sure no one was hurt. JJ dodged it just in the nick of time.

"Rafe! Stop!" By the time I stood Barry was already trying to calm him down.

"Hey Rafe! Chill your shit! Chill out! You're gonna get our asses busted, dawg! Let's bounce. Let's bounce. Let's go!" Barry took off and ran to the truck.

"Tell your pogue friends to watch out oh and I never used you....you just hurt me first when you picked them over me." He shook his head and took off to the truck.

The next morning we decided we were gonna keep going on with our mission. We waited for kie and Pope to get back to the dock before we dipped.

"What? What are you talking about?" Kie stood up straight and watched as the four of us came running down the dock to get into the boat.

"We gotta get the hell out of here." John B said while setting his bag into the boat.

"Rafe and Barry is what happened." I sighed as Kie watched me step into the boat.

"So we have to leave, like now." Sarah demanded.

We docked the boat out in the marsh and sat on logs in the field at Rixon's.

"Look if Rafe and Barry know it's only a matter of time." Kie said as she sat down on a log.

Sarah stayed silent until she couldn't handle the comotion. "I have an idea. With me back, my dad's going to have to choose between me and Rafe. He's gonna choose me."

John B tried to convince her to get the idea out of her head. "Just please listen. Ward keeps lying to you, Sarah."

"No. I-I know it sounds crazy. But he's my dad. And I know him, and I know he loves me. I'm just asking for two hours." She begged us. I felt bad because she had a point.

John B walked off and went to talk to her. I have no idea what went on but it was worth a shot. While she was gone we sat around and just talked. I walked around the field just thinking. I heard the grass crunch beside me.

"Hey brin, you okay? You seem off." JJ looked over as he walked beside me.

I looked up at him, squinting from the sun in my eyes. "Truthfully i'm not okay but I will be. It's just...I went from living in a state where I was a nobody to living on an island with a...with an ex whose dad wants to hurt me and my friends. How does that even happen?"

"I couldn't tell you. I just know that i'm glad you've stuck around for so long. If I were you I would've said adios before last summer happened. I just couldn't help but talk about you all the time when we first met you." We stopped walking and stood face to face.

"JJ I know what I told you in Charleston about ruining our friendship and-." I felt his lips smash onto mine before I could finish my sentence. He held my cheek in the palm of his hand leaning my head back as I held onto his arm. He pulled away once Kie started yelling as Sarah pulled back into the marsh. I stood shocked for a second but ran right behind him to meet Sarah.

"So how'd it go?" John B asked her as we walked on either side of her.

"You guys were right. It didn't work. Sorry." I could tell she had been crying. I quickly gave her a sidehug.

"Welp then that settles it guys. Now, y'all need to load up in the paddy wagon and get the heck out of dodge right now." JJ pointed using his thumb over his shoulder.

Before we knew it the cops were pulling up in boats. I mean we were surrounded. We had no choice but to run. If we get caught John B would be going to jail. We went through the water and swam across parts of the marsh. I was soaked. We stopped at a tree and immediately heard sirens behind us.

"We're trapped. They surrounded us. What do we do." Pope struggled to blurt out words, he was too winded.

"Shit, shit ,shit!" I looked around us. I watched as JJ pulled the gun out of his pocket. It was like everything was in slow motion. John B dropped the gun on the ground so JJ wasn't able to do anything. We just gave up.

Sooo...what'd ya think? Did Brinley use Rafe or did Rafe use Brinley?

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