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; Roommates

10:38 am

Years passed by and the high school era finished in just a blink of an eye , Daishou woke up annoyed with the sound of his alarm clock.

"It's the first day of a new semester"

He sighs , soon getting up from his bed. Since today is the first day of a new semester , he'll also hopefully be having a new roommate.

After literally a year or two of spending it all on his own , Mika his current girlfriend would come over much more often too since the dorm is spacious.

Getting ready as he left , locking the doors behind him.

10:52 am

Arriving at the building with baggy eyes he pulled out an all-nighter, yawning as he entered the front door. Walking through the hallway soon to meet eyes with a very familiar-looking person.

At first, he was a bit confused and trying his hardest to at least remember where he was from and why he looks so damn familiar but nothing seems to work , since he was pretty sleepy Daishou decided to take a short nap at the lecture hall as soon as he got to his usual seat.

11:07 am

Waking up 15 minutes after , feeling a gentle tap on his shoulder making him low-key flinched at the sensation. Turning his head to the owner of the hands , just to see a guy with blonde-ish hair and piercings being well displayed.

"Who are you"

He asked after being fully awake.

"I'm Yuuji Terushima , a freshman, and what about you?"

The other guy said confidently.

"Suguru Daishou , second year"

He mumbles without even bother turning his attention to the younger blondie , things were getting pretty awkward but thankfully the lecturer arrived pretty early compared to before.

4:02 pm

"Ah finally"

Daishou walked home as he heard his phone notification which caused it to vibrate inside his pocket , glancing at the contact name.

"It's Mika"

He thought before replying to his girlfriend's texts.

4:28 pm

Opening the door to his (probably) now shared apartment , hoping for a roommate sooner or later. Slipping his shoes off before going inside , just to realize that the lights were on.

"I'm pretty sure that I turned everything off before leaving but why is everything switched on?"

He asked himself , slowly stepping inside just to ensure no robbers were in the apartment.

His slow steps approach the living room , finding a blonde haired laying on the couch whilst talking on the phone.

Getting closer to the other male.

"Excuse me?"

The green haired said politely , tapping lightly at the other's shoulder. As an attempt to get his attention , the blondie hung up turning his head to look at Suguru.

"Ah ! So you're my new roommate !"

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