155 8 16

; Cute

7:21 pm

"Looking great tonight I see"

Suguru compliments before walking over to the younger male who literally just got down from up stairs , totally confuse.

"So IT IS a date"

At the first few seconds , Terushima decides it's best to keep quiet but Daishou kept on complimenting him none stop just to see him getting all flustered.

"Stop it and let's go already Suguru-san"

The fake blonde said before storming out of the shared apartment with a very visible shade of pink slightly tinting his cheeks , leaving the older giggling at himself out of satisfaction after noticing it.

They left and Daishou drove to the food place , walking in nervously before the waitress comes and greeted both of the male.

Terushima looks at her with flirty eyes and how his voice changes almost immediately , Teru was a blushing mess not long ago because of him but now he's already flirting with someone else ? Ah totally not when Suguru's around.

After ordering , Daishou clears his throat knowing for a fact that it'll caught the younger's attention but still hasn't succeeded.

Taking a few couple of glances at the blonde who's busying himself , scrolling through his socials totally just ignoring Daishou's whole existence in front of him making him sigh.

Tapping the table with his index finger obviously showing that he's thinking of something , face resting against his palm.

"What're you thinking about silly"

The voice immediately snapped him out from his thoughts , forgetting what he was thinking about earlier.

"Nothing really , I was just thinking of stuffs since someone seems to be ignoring me"

He said with a dramatic toned voice while the younger looks at him , quietly judging from the inside.

"Don't give me that look"

The eye roll totally did something to Teru's heart , he felt like he's going to faint.

That beautiful smile on Daishou's face just gets him every time and at this point it'll only ends up into an unhealthy obsession (as if it wasn't already is 😰) since he's been craving to see it every time of the day no matter when or where.

All he ever hoped is to see the older smile much more , the way he always laughs at the blondie's stupid jokes also made him felt at least a little special.

He rests his chin into his own palms that was pressing against the table , before catching himself staring a few minutes later.

"Staring too much are we ? Do you like what you see that much ?"

The flustered look on Terushima's face is way too visible to even hide it that he doesn't even care less to try and cover it up , Daishou watches as the other's face starts to heated up with a small smile on his face.

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