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; Flirting

6:42 pm

"Those lips of yours looks pretty lonely aren't they ?"

After hearing those words Terushima's figure froze for the 104th time that day.

His heartbeat began to go crazy over a simple yet probably meaningless words , the moment he realised that he's the only one who's overthinking about such a harmless joke the latter spoke.

"Stop joking about stuffs like that"

The fake blonde mumbles underneath his breath with an awkward or rather nervous giggle before deciding to make something for himself to drink.

Just as the younger was about to stood up from the couch , Daishou immediately asked where he was going and also tagged along with him to the kitchen.

8:28 pm

They were all over each other the whole day and if Teru was being completely honest , it wasn't that bad.

It's true that sometimes too much skin ships made him felt VERY uncomfortable and the thought of those unnecessary touches totally bothered him the most but Daishou knows his limits.

He didn't go overboard with the touching and would always ask for consent before doing anything , like for example if the older wanted to lay in the younger's lap when he clearly doesn't even mind one bit.

It was quite cute seeing how clingy the older can be , but most of the times he would either zoned out or almost fell asleep and of course it made the fake blonde wonder what he had in mind the whole day.

"What are you thinking about ?"

Terushima asked before giving Daishou an obviously confused look.

It took the older a few seconds before he began speaking about what he had in mind , he explained everything so quickly that it's hard for the young to hold onto it.

"Can you slow down a bit ? Do you think I understand what you just said or something ?"

The fake blonde quickly said just after he stopped the older from talking.

"Right , anyways like I was saying. I still don't get it why Mika kept on coming into my head because I wasn't even trying to think about her , she kept popping in every time I look around my room and I hate that Yuuji"

He bragged , before he began to trace something onto the younger's thigh.

"You can sleep in my room then ?"

1:49 am

Oh how much Terushima wished he didn't say such things before thinking about it twice , the man sat at the edge of his bed sighing hopelessly.

Just as he was regretting his life decisions , the older stepped into the room with no top on whatsoever , exposing his upper body.

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