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; Familiar Pain

4:26 pm

"Do you feel better now?"

It was their days off , both college and work.

Terushima busied himself while playing with Daishou's no longer green hair in peace with the older's head in his lap.

(They're sitting in this position but Teru's head is against the head border of the bed and Daishou's laying on Teru's right thigh- Sorry I'm so bad at describing shit 😭)

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(They're sitting in this position but Teru's head is against the head border of the bed and Daishou's laying on Teru's right thigh- Sorry I'm so bad at describing shit 😭)

"Did Mika-chan call you earlier? Someone looks a bit happier than usual"

The blonde said trying to start a conversation , he continued running his fingers through Daishou's hair.

"Unfortunately she didn't and I also don't know why I'm so happy today"

Daishou mumbled with his arms wrapping around Terushima's other leg.

The younger shook it off and continued his day like the others , doing his routine while watching over Daishou who still hasn't 100% recovered from his fever.

4:57 pm

It's almost been a week since Mika called and Daishou is honestly a bit worried about it.

Did something happen while they were apart from each other?

What was the reason for her not to pick up any of the calls and even read his texts?

Why did she just suddenly disappear out of the blue?

So many different questions were running through his mind , trying his best to think positively.

But he couldn't help it , Daishou sighed in frustration as he plopped himself down onto the bed thinking about more excuses for his girlfriend to do such things.

Due to the lack of sleep, he's been getting lately , the green-haired male fell asleep as soon as he lay down.

6:21 pm

"Suguru-san? Someone's here to see you"

He heard from the other side of the door , while still half asleep.

Rubbing his eyes as yawns widely , can't even walk in a straight line. Unlocking the door just to get a tight hug from nowhere made him wide awake.

Looking down to see a familiar female hugging him.


She nods with a smile on her face as the green haired hugged her tightly.

"Damn I miss you so much I swear I could cry"

Daishou said before he lifts her from the floor.

"Put me down Suguru , someone's still here"

With that, the door behind the couple shuts close with Terushima standing there frozen.

"Of course, they'd spend time in Suguru-san's room. Why did I even bother making food and drinks"

He sighs walking into his room just to get a text from someone but instead of replying he started to call him instead.

After a few seconds of waiting , he finally picked up the phone.

"Hey , Yama"

He whispers in a low voice.

"Oh my god, Teru it's been ages since we last talked , how are you?"

All Yamaguchi heard were sobs , which made him a bit worried about what was going on.

Terushima isn't the type of person who would just randomly cry without any reason, he's much more than that.

"Is there something wrong? You can tell me later today , let's go out today"

There's nothing else he could do instead of asking for them to meet up.

7:02 pm

"That's why you're crying?"

The blonde nods as he chuckles at how stupid he sounded.

"Sorry I also don't know why I cried back then but let's just forget about it, shall we? Having fun is more important"

Yamaguchi knows how hard it is to keep your feelings to yourself , the forced smile on his face just now made the younger feel a bit concerned about him.

"Yuuji-san , you know that you can talk to me about everything and anything right? It doesn't matter , I'm here to listen to your problems, and next time you can listen to mine if I do have some. What are friends for?"

Ah, Terushima wished he could just burst into tears right then and there but that would be a bit embarrassing.

Giving Yamaguchi a hug soon thanking him for literally everything he's done for him.

7:38 pm

Terushima just arrived back at the shared apartment , unlocking the door to see Daishou there.

"Where have you been?"

The older asks.

"It's none of your business"

Terushima answers cockily , pushing his way inside the house.

Leaving Daishou standing there confused , thinking about what he did for Terushima to start acting up that way.

8:04 pm

"Have you eaten yet?"

The question was ignored , making the room into a dead silence.

Daishou sighs deeply before walking over to the younger.

"Did I do something to piss you off?"

Once again , no answers.

After a few minutes of the whole apartment being full of awkward silence, Daishou's phone rang as the older started to run , grabbing his phone on the small coffee table.

"Ah , did you arrive home safely? I'm glad to hear that love"

Terushima just sat at the dining table losing his appetite hearing how they talk to each other.

He got up , and walked into his room.

Just as soon as Daishou was done with the phone call he turns around to see no one , letting out a loud sigh in frustration.

"Seriously , why are you so pissed at me?"

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