206 9 10

; Getting Along

4:29 pm

"Ah! So you're my new roommate!"

He said out of excitement , turns out it was the guy from earlier.

"Shit I forgot his name"

Daishou cursed at himself mentally.

"I guess you've forgotten my name? No worries , anyways I'm Yuuji Terushima. Nice meeting you again!"

Terushima said giving Daishou a bright smile , the older male just hums in reply. The blondie wasn't expecting an answer anyways so he's fine with it.

"Did you already look around?"

Daishou asks before getting himself a cup of cold water ,

"Mm? Yeah and I suppose my room is the one on the left?"

Questions after questions , they weren't chatting as much though.

Terushima has been focusing on his phone for the last couple of hours , it's not a bad thing considering the other also doesn't know what to talk about.

8:32 pm

Hours passed , it was currently 8 pm and the boys were still surrounded by complete silence.

It was quite awkward (Bet it is ✋🏻) , but thank god the tv was on. The older male's making some dinner as for the blondie , only god knows what he's doing inside his room.

8:51 pm

Terushima locks his room after entering it , turning his phone on after plugging in the charger. He placed it to the side after checking the battery percent , burying his face into the pillow.

"I don't know how but why is that dude so pretty"

He screamed into the pillow as he kicked the air excitedly.

"Looks like we gotta bare with this"

Terushima said trying to act calm after sitting up on his bed.

9:47 pm

Brushing his hair after taking a hot shower , and putting on some comfy clothes. Just a simple hoodie would work anyways , with some black shorts underneath.

"Dinner's ready"

Daishou said loudly making sure the younger could hear it clearly , walking out of the room and closing the door behind him.

On the small dining table , food was served on it.

"Eat up"

The older coos , taking a seat for himself.

Small chats were made not wanting the atmosphere to turn into an awkward silence as they eats the food together.

3:18 am

Daishou's currently laying on his bed , trying to get some sleep but failing.

He face-palmed himself , trying his best to fall asleep before hearing a knock on the door.

Groans in frustration as he springs up from his bed , with a frown he unlocks the door revealing a restless Terushima who looks pretty sleepy.

"I don't think I can fall asleep that easily , um can we spend the night together on the couch or something?"

The blondie suggested , pointing at the small living. Without any hesitation , Daishou nodded.

Walking out of the room as he shuts the door behind him , turning on the tv. Both sitting on the couch together with Terushima cuddling up in his blanket since the weather's been pretty cold lately.

Eventually falling asleep in each other presence , hands intertwined as they slept on the couch together.

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