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; "Have you ever liked me ?"

7:16 pm

Things were starting into becaming more and more awkward every single day , though Terushima would just avoid staying alone with him.

He talked to Tooru recently and asking for a few advices , once he did got them Teru went to give Atsumu a call as well.

Basically just gathering up as many advices as he could , sometimes he's just calling them because he doesn't wanna talk to Daishou and have a weirdly awkward conversation with him.

Teru's totally not ready yet to start any conversations with him.

Well Daishou in the other hand had also been busy with multiple stuffs to handle such as classes and assigments , plus his friend had also recently broken up with his girlfriend so he really needs to comfort him.

Stressing out over the fact that he knows damn well about the younger trying his best to avoid him , Terushima ain't slick. Daishou could caught onto it easily even after a day of it going on.

Did he do something wrong to make Teru wanna avoid him that badly ?

Or is it because he actually misunderstood everything ?

Is it because Teru doesn't actually has feelings for him ?

Just thinking about it made him have a headache.

Coming home from such a tiring day is such a blessing , being able to finally getting some good rests.

Daishou let's out a sigh as he hops onto his bed , he reaches out for his phone which was placed onto the bedside table before he changed his clothes earlier.

Checking his messages to make sure that Terushima didn't send anything just incase , they barely talks to each other these days and it made Daishou somehow worried (?).

The dark haired male shook his thoughts away , deciding that it's finally time to get some rest and maybe a short 30 minutes nap whilst waiting for Teru to comes home from his last class.

8:25 pm

Waking up from his so called nap with a loud bang from the front door , the older's eyes immediately shoots open after hearing the sudden loud sound.

He slowly gets up from his bed , walking to the front door as he tries his hardest to not make any noises whatsoever but quickly unlocking the door once hearing a very familiar voice from the other side.

"Suguru-san ?"

The familiar voiced calls out , the door flung open revealing Terushima in a very.. drunk (?) state.

Barely being able to stand up properly and only being able to do so thanks to the support of his friends , sighing and taking Terushima into his own arms soon thanking the others who were struggling to hold him up.

Dragging the poor drunk man inside as he immediately pushes the younger into his room , placing him onto his bed and getting ready to leave but before he even did successfully escapes. Terushima calls out to him in a whining tone.

"Oi sober up already idiot"

The older mumbles , sitting back down on the floor beside his bed while the younger's staring at him with pleading eyes.

Waiting for the younger to fall asleep as his mind wonders around , still thinking about the stuffs he wanted to ask Terushima.

The younger closing his eyes shut whilst holding onto Daishou's hands tightly basically hugging it.

"Have you ever even liked me ?"

The sudden question woke Teru up slightly , he hums in reply still too tired to even say a word.

"Is that a yes or a no ?"

The older asks with a small smile on his face , brushing Terushima's hairs out of his face whilst looking fondly at the half asleep younger.

Not really expecting for an answer but he still got it either way.

"I have , in fact I still love you lots till this day"


Well this is shorter than the other chapters but I really don't know what else to add at the end to make it longer so like 😭

Anyways sorry for making y'all wait istg , I was a bit busy with some stuffs and got no motivation at all plus I also started a new short taekook au on Instagram and I already promised to my followers there that I'll starting to post daily again like how I always do back then.

Oh and I also started a new book on this platform ! It's on my account obviously and the book is called Drinking Party , sadly it's not Haikyuu nor bts related so I'm sorry to disappoint ya with that :((

But any supports on that book will totally be appreciated and you can check it out if you'd like <3

Thank you anyways 💕

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