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; Office

7:24 am

Terushima grunts as he pushes the blanket off of him , forcing himself to wake up even though he literally hates the thought of just leaving his bed at such a time.

Once he did brings himself to get up and tid(d)ies the bed , Teru slowly makes his way out of the room.

Eyes already wondering around what seems like their empty apartment , obviously for his boyfriend.

It's been 4 years since then , they could've been the such a cute couple way back in college if they were a thing since the beginning but oh well. Took them almost a year and a half to even make a move on each other , such cowards.

"Suguru-san ?"

He calls out whilst still looking around but suddenly hears the bathroom door opens behind him , turning around to see his beloved husband.

"Waking up so early ?"

Suguru asks before he leaves small kisses on the blonde's forehead as the other nods in reply , too lazy to even speak at this point.

Though it's not Suguru's first time kissing Teru , the butterflies were always there.

"Mhm you already showered , I was about to ask you to shower together"

The younger says mumbling underneath his breath , before walking away to grab his towel and into the bathroom leaving his boyfriend all by himself.

Daishō didn't have the time to even reply to what Terushima said earlier and pouts with a frown , oh well maybe next time.


10:42 am

The couple were both already on their way to work and they were a pretty well known couple around there considering the fact that they never really hide about them being in a relationship.

Terushima walks in with a wide smile as he greets some of his colleagues while his boyfriend's just watching him from the back , no matter how he looks at him.

The blonde is still so adorable , fuck it's driving him crazy day by day and not to mention how it's been almost 5 years since they've met (This man bouta lose his whole mind 😰) .

"Work hard today"

The darker haired says before giving his boyfriend a small peck on his lips , the flustered man hum in respond before walking away and sitting at his place as Daishō does the same.


1:54 pm

Hours passed by , and it's break time. Terushima's stomach growls as he immediately runs towards his man's place.

"Are you planning on staying behind to finish your work again ?"

He asks kissing Daishō's nose before making some space for himself to sit beside of the older as the older nods without any responds coming out of his mouth.

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