158 9 6

; Jealousy

Months passed by very quickly , and their whole schedule also had a few changes. Terushima and Daishou also became closer than before , they hang out together quite a lot.

Terushima also started to become clingier and clingier, it's a lie if Daishou said he does not feel uncomfortable with it but as time flew by he had already gotten used to it by now.

It's 9 pm and Terushima's busy in his room probably finishing up a few assignments since he's been whining about how much work he got for the last few days.

"It's been so long since I last called you Suguru"

Mika said with a chuckle , also leaving her boyfriend smiling along with her.

They were video calling on the computer since Daishou was busy finishing up some work earlier.

"Mika-chan , it's only been like 4 days since the last time I called you"

He said softly in reply giving her a gentle smile , making the female all red.

"Anyways , how are you and Yuuji?"

The sudden question doesn't surprise Daishou , Mika knew quite a lot about Terushima since the green haired always complained about how careless he could be sometimes and not to mention how clumsy that dude is.

"We're both doing absolutely fin- What are you doing here?"

Just as he was about to answer his girlfriend's question the door burst open revealing a tall figure , he walked in with a pout.

"Here he comes"

Daishou sighed internally , opening his arms as the blondie jumped into the latter. Having tears in his eyes , wrapping his arms around Daishou's neck.

Slightly nuzzling his face into his chest , not even bother saying hi to Mika who is currently watching them being all touchy in front of her.

"Hey there Yuuji-kun"

She greeted the boy who is curled up into her boyfriend's arms with a soft smile , peeking at the camera as he nodded in reply.

"Greet her back properly idiot"

Daishou scolded making him frown.

"Hi to you too Mika-chan"

The blondie said letting Daishou go , slightly pushing him away as he forced a smile onto his face.

He left the room after a few more minutes , his heart aches just after hearing how softly Daishou spoke to Mika.

Jealousy piles up inside him as he storms into his room , plopping himself on the bed.

"Why are you so nice to her and not me?"

He asked the wall beside his bed as if it could give him the answer he wanted to hear , giving up all hope in wanting to confess.

Terushima's been keeping his feelings all to himself for the past months and every time he confesses Daishou would laugh it off and just thought of it as one of Terushima's stupid jokes.

It hurts but who is he to Daishou anyways to feel that way? Probably just someone random who ended up being roommates together.

He often compares himself to Mika , it's not some kind of hatred towards her but it's just the fact that she actually has everything he'd ever asked for.

Mika's a nice person and that is honestly the truth , she's nice and a very warm type of person.

Never really saw her bad sides even though she can sometimes be a bit immature but Daishou often said that side of her is the cutest side.

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