Chapter Two - First Meeting

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     We walk into a room that has couches and chairs around it. The first person I see is Queen Frigga. Her long sleeve, maroon dress looks soft and her long, curly dark blonde hair looks shiny from the sunlight. The next person I see is sitting on the same couch as Queen Frigga on her right. He has black hair and he's wearing a light green, long sleeve shirt under a dark green vest and black pants and boots. I remember my mom saying Prince Loki had black hair and Prince Thor had blonde hair. He doesn't look like he's much older than me because his face still looks more like a boy's and not a teenage boy's.

     My eyes move to a closed book he's holding on his lap. I barely stop myself from asking him if the book is from the library. I quickly glance at Prince Thor, who is standing on the other side. He's wearing a light blue, long sleeve shirt under a dark blue vest with red around his neck. He looks a bit older like he's a teen and he looks so bored too. I roll my eyes before looking back at Loki. He is looking right at me and I look down quickly, as I feel my face start to go red. I peek back at him and see that his head is a bit to the side like he's thinking.

     But, when we stop a couple of feet away, I think I can see a tiny smile. Queen Frigga stands up with a big smile on her face and walks over to my mom with her arms open. My mom lets go of my hand and hugs her back.

     "Astrid, I am so glad you decided to stay with us."

     My mom says, "Thank you for extending this truly gracious invitation, Queen Frigga." They both look at me and my mom says, "This is my daughter."

     I realize I never curtsied for the Queen.

     I gasp and say "I'm so sorry, Queen Frigga!" before going into a curtsy.

     I hear a snicker and I glance up to see Thor looking at me with a smirk. I look back down trying to hide the frown on my face.

     "Thor. Lady Astrid is one of my oldest friends and she and her daughter are our guests." I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look up. Queen Frigga is smiling at me and she says, "There is no need for a curtsy, little one."

     I smile, still nervous, but I stand back up. She tells her sons my name and I do a quick, half curtsy to both of them. I stay down longer for Loki than for Thor.

     Queen Frigga says, "Boys, you will act as gracious hosts and you will also make sure these ladies are kept safe. Treat this little one as you would a friend or younger sister."

     Loki immediately says, "Yes, mother."

     Thor nods to his mother and takes a step towards us and says, "I am Thor, prince and future king of Asgard. Welcome to the castle."

     My mom thanks him and he stands up taller like he's trying to make himself older or more important. I crush my lips together and look down trying not to laugh.

     Thor says, "Excuse me mother, I have to go train now" and he leaves the room.

     Queen Frigga asks me "Do you want to explore the castle while your mother and I talk about grownup things?"

     I nod and say, "I do but I don't want to get lost."

     She smiles and turns to Loki and asks, "Do you have any training right now, Loki?" He shakes his head and she continues. "Would you mind giving her a small tour of the castle?"

     He shakes his head again making Queen Frigga smile widely at him. She tells us to follow them first to the room we're going to use before going off to explore the castle. My mom walks next to the Queen and they start walking out of the room. Loki looks confused and I take a step to follow them before turning back to him.

Part One - A New Beginning (Loki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now