Chapter Twenty-Six - Belly-Aching Laughs

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     I yawn for the 100th time in the past minute as I stand in a group of ladies. Queen Frigga says something to bless the hunt but I'm so tired that my ears don't hear what she says. King Odin sits on top of his horse and all the men that are going with him on the hunt are on their horses too. Since Thor's 15th birthday is tomorrow, he is allowed to go with them.

     "He is looking a little too pleased with himself right now," whispers Lady Sif.

     I look at her quickly and see her making a face like Thor's only funnier and I cover my mouth trying not to laugh. I elbow her as I feel my face get hot and now she's trying not to laugh with me. Good thing we're not in the front next to Loki and his mom. I look at Lady Sif and she's looking at the ground and her body shakes as she laughs quietly. I feel a giggle slowly come up my throat and I press my hands against my mouth as hard as I can.

     "Let the hunt begin!" yells King Odin.

     He and his horse break away from the group as his horse starts running. The rest of them follow King Odin quickly and the ladies begin to clap or wave. A squeak leaves my throat and Lady Sif can't help but burst out laughing. I start laughing too and I hold on to Lady Sif so I don't fall forward. We turn and stumble forward towards the doors of the castle as we keep laughing.

     I hear Loki's voice right behind us. "What is so funny, might I ask?"

     Lady Sif takes a deep breath to try and explain and I take a deep breath too. Lady Sif opens her mouth to answer but no sound comes out as she looks at Loki.

     "His face..." is all I can say before Lady Sif and I start laughing hard again.

     "Are you talking about Thor?"

     Lady Sif and I nod as we keep trying to walk forward still holding onto each other. She is holding on to her stomach and I feel really hot. I have no idea why Thor's stupid face is so funny to us right now, but I can barely breathe.

     "Show...Show him...the face." I whisper out to Lady Sif.

     She stands up straight and makes the same funny face she made before all her breath comes out in a big exhale. I see Loki squish his lips together before he starts laughing quietly like Lady Sif was. He looks at the ground trying to hide his laughter. We all barely make it through the doors when we hear Queen Frigga's voice coming from behind us.

     "What is so funny?"

     Lady Sif lets go of me and leans against the door before she slowly slides down to the floor holding her stomach. Loki can't hold back his laughter at his mom's question and he starts laughing hard out loud. I grab onto him as I feel a couple of tears fall out of my eyes. I suck in a breath and I see Queen Frigga is in front of us now with a few of her ladies behind her. They all look like they're waiting for one of us to say something.

     Loki sounds like he's out of breath. "I asked that exact question."

     I look at Lady Sif and she tries to do the face again for them and I shake my head.

     "Don't! I'll pee!" I squeak out at her.

     I look at Queen Frigga and her ladies and they all look like they're trying not to laugh. All except for Lady Dagny who starts giggling.

     "I saw that too." She says quietly because she's trying not to laugh harder.

     They start walking again and we finally start calming down. I let go of Loki and wipe the tears from my face.

     "I haven't laughed that hard in a long time," I say.

     "Neither have I," says Lady Sif.

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