Chapter Thirty-Seven - The Announcement

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Three and a Half Months Later

     "Good morning, my son," says Queen Frigga.

     "Good morning, Mother," says Loki, stepping into her open arms. Queen Frigga squeezes Loki before letting go. "Am I the first to arrive?"

     Queen Frigga nods. "I am sure your brother is on his way."

     "Do you know why Father wanted us to meet beforehand in his sunroom?"

     "No, I do not. We shall soon find out."

     A loud knock at the door stops their conversation and Lady Astrid opens the door revealing Thor. Queen Frigga walks out immediately followed by Loki and the Queen walks to King Odin's sunroom with her sons on either side of her. Thor knocks and one of King Odin's attendants opens the door, ushering them all through before stepping out and closing the door behind him. King Odin walks over and kisses his Queen before stepping back and smiling at the three of them.

     "You are probably wondering why I asked all of you to meet me in here before we make our way to the hall to break our fast. Some of the highest in the Einherjar have brought certain grievances from other regions. Because of this, I believe it is time for me to visit each region. To spend time in each in order to help promote peace, offer protection, and help resolve conflicts in each. And since you, my sons, must learn how to rule, both of you will be coming with me. Asgard will remain under your protection and rule, my love, until I come back."

     Queen smiles demurely and bows her head slightly. "My duty and honor, my king."

     Thor excitedly begins to ask specifics to his father and Queen Frigga catches Loki's silent and pensive demeanor, but she says nothing. Loki catches King Odin saying that they will be gone for roughly a year and Loki's heart drops to his stomach. He tries to look as calm and unaffected as he can as he lets his eyes go back and forth between his brother and his father as they speak. But he hears nothing except his heart beating faster and harder than it had been. Normally, he does not like the rule of having to sit up with his family during important holidays and events. Today, however, he is relieved he will not be anywhere near his best friend as he has to carry this news inside him until his father announces it.

     They make their way to the hall, King Odin next to Thor as he keeps asking questions while they walk. Queen Frigga and Loki walk behind them saying nothing. They make their way into the hall and begin to break their fast as people trickle into the hall. Some say a hearty "Happy Sigrblót, your majesties!" to the royal family as they make their way to their seats. King Odin nods once with a small smile, Queen Frigga smiles warmly, Thor bellows "Happy Sigrblót!" back, and Loki nods mechanically. He notices his best friend come in with Lady Dagny and Lady Sif and his stomach becomes uneasy.

     He angles his head towards his brother as she makes her way to fill her plate pretending to be lost in whatever Thor is saying. He refuses to glance away. If he does, she will know something is wrong, she always does. He takes a bite of meat but it is tasteless and chews quickly before swallowing. Out of the corner of his eye, he watches as his best friend begins to eat with a smile on her face as she converses with her other two friends. He hopes with everything inside him that his father make his announcement at the end of the celebrations of the day so she can at least enjoy that before she hears the news.

     "Happy Sigrblót, Lady Dagny, Lady Sif," says Fandral before making his way a bit further down to sit with his and Thor's friends.

     Both of the ladies nod and smile and Lady Dagny repeats it to him.

     "I can't believe that today is already Sigrblót," says the little Valkyrie before taking another bite of her breakfast.

     "If I remember correctly, we are what, four and a half months away from you celebrating your first year here with us, right?" asks Lady Sif.

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