Chapter Nine - Hidden Places

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New Character Name List

- Lady Dagny pronounced DAG-nee, one of Queen Frigga's handmaidens

- Elding means lightning

- Silfrtopp means silver-topped

     A lady from the kitchens takes away our empty plates and Queen Frigga stands up.

     "Thank you for such a delightful time during your lesson and lunch, little one. Tomorrow, we can meet in my tea room right after breakfast. I believe that Loki had something planned for the two of you and will come to get you from here when he is ready."

     "Thank you for my first lesson, my lady. I'll start reading the book on magic while I wait for him."

     "Have fun today and I shall see you later at dinner." I quickly jump out of my chair and hug her, making her chuckle in surprise. "Neither one of my sons hug me as much as they used to. I could get used to this."

     I step back and smile and she leaves. I take the book from the pile and settle down on the small couch near the table where Queen Frigga had set the other two books to start reading. Before I do, take a deep breath to smell the book and smile. I don't know how long I've been reading when I hear footsteps coming towards me. I look up and smile at Loki and he smiles back.

     "Why am I not surprised to see you reading a book as you wait for me?"

     "Because I'm in a library and because you know I love to read."

     He chuckles. "Mother said you needed help bringing books up to your chambers. Are these them?" Loki asks, gesturing to the books on the table and in my lap.

     "Yes, but I am carrying this one over there myself. This one I can carry."

     "Have you smelled them yet?"

     I start feeling like my face is getting warm again. "No."

     "I can always tell when you try to lie, Kyrie."

     "It's not a lie. You asked if I smelled them and I said no." Loki raises an eyebrow. "I have only smelled this one."

     Loki chuckles quietly. "But it is not the complete truth is it?"

     "I don't know why you're surprised. I've started to learn that from you. I'm not as good yet but maybe I can be."

     Loki's smile gets bigger and takes the two books on the table. "I would like to see you try to be, Kyrie. I do not know if you will succeed in being able to give a half-truth when you blush so easily. Shall we?"

     As we walk to the room I share with my mom, I tell Loki everything I learned in my first lesson with his mom. He smiles a small smile as he listens and laughs when I tell him about how I concentrated so hard on making a napkin move his mother choked on her water laughing at the face I made.

     "I would very much like to see this face you make if you made mother laugh as hard as she did."

     "Well, I'm not going to try right now, am I?" I stick my tongue out at him and he laughs quietly.

     We make it to the room and he places the books on the table in between the beds. I leave the one I carried on my bed.

     He walks back to the doorway and grabs the door handle. "I will wait outside your door while you change into your riding outfit, Kyrie."

     "I will change super quick I promise." I stop walking as a thought pops into my head. "Uh oh."

     "What is it?"

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