Chapter Twenty - An Idea

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     Loki makes his way to his mother's chambers as he remembers the last time he stood by them. It had been after the dinner the same night of the funeral after he had gone to check on his best friend when she left the hall. He had kept a close eye on her from his seat at the head table and noticed that she hadn't eaten much. When he had hurried after her saying he was going to the bathroom, he had caught up to her in the hallway. She had said that she was tired and that she was going to try and sleep.

     He had gone back to the hall and had seen that her mother was also gone but he had not passed her on his way back. He had deduced that she had gone elsewhere to cry without her daughter watching or hearing her. He had stayed until his mother had gotten up to retire for the night. Loki had told her he would walk her back to her chambers and once they had cleared the hall, he had asked if he could talk to her.

     She had nodded and he had told her how he had held his best friend as she cried herself out in his arms. He had told her how she was not really acting like herself the whole day before the funeral. That he had stayed with her all day to make sure she was not alone.

     "When I found her in the field, all the breath in my lungs got knocked out of me. Seeing and hearing her cry without being able to help her hurt me, mother. Hurt me as nothing had before. Seeing her not acting like herself today was not much better. How am I supposed to help her when I cannot do anything?"

     They had stopped in front of the door to Queen Frigga's chambers and Queen Frigga had looked at her son.

     "What you have done so far may not seem like much to you, my son. But it has probably meant the world to her. Just being by her side as she goes through her grief is more than you can imagine. Just keep doing what you are already doing. Be with her whenever you can, make sure she eats, and keep an eye on her. Lady Astrid is too overwhelmed by her own grief right now and I assured her that we would keep an eye on her daughter."

     Loki had nodded somberly. "I will, mother. And if I cannot stay by her side, I will ask Lady Sif to stay with her."

     Queen Frigga had put a hand on Loki's shoulder and squeezed. "You are doing all you can and I am proud of you. Grief is experienced differently by each person and everyone goes through it at their own pace. All pain might not ever be gone. However, the good memories that we shared with the person that left us are easier to see. It will take her as long as it needs to."

     "Thank you, mother."

     "Of course. And if you get worried, let me know."

     Loki had gone to his chambers that night feeling better after having had the conversation with his mother. His father and the group that had come back with him for the funeral ceremony left the very next morning. He had spent the next three days by his best friend's side making sure she ate what she could manage. She had gone through the days in a haze and had not seen that her mother had not come down to the hall for two days.

     Lady Astrid had come to breakfast that morning in a black dress looking like she had been crying for a long time. Queen Frigga had noticed that the youthful glow her friend had always had about her was gone, replaced by quiet and visible mourning. The little Valkyrie was too deep in her own grief to see anything. She took naps with Loki next to her because her sleep was fitful. Every time she dreamt, she panicked and it woke her up.

     She only seemed to sleep a calm sleep next to him. She did not eat as much as she normally did and she had not trained in anything. Loki's best friend did not even want to read anything and he could not take it anymore. Which is how he found himself walking to his mother's chambers yet again. Loki stops in front of his mother's chambers and knocks softly on the door.

     Lady Sigrid opens the door, gestures for Loki to come in, and closes it behind him. Queen Frigga is sitting on one of the chairs by the fireplace. Loki walks up next to her.

     "May I sit with you, mother? I have something important to ask you."

     She smiles up at her son. "Of course, Loki." She closes the book she was reading and places it on her lap. "What is it?"

     He sits down on a chair next to her and faces his mother.

     "I have been keeping an eye on her and stayed with her. I am worried she might be getting worse. I was wondering how to take her mind off of her grief and I got an idea."

     "What idea?"

     "With your permission, I would like her to pick a horse from the new group of foals and have it for her own. Caring and bonding with her new horse may be enough to bring her back to her old self. At least somewhat."

     Queen Frigga smiles. "That is an excellent idea and I give you permission. She should have a horse of her very own if you two will keep riding and exploring together. She can pick whichever one of the foals she wants. I will make sure one of my ladies gives word to the stable master."

     Loki looks relieved. "Thank you, mother. Could I take her tomorrow after breakfast?"

     She nods. "If you deem it urgent, then tomorrow. For now, she can keep using Elding on rides until her own horse is old and strong enough to be ridden."

     "Can I ask one of the leather workers to make her a saddle as well? That way she has her own along with her own horse."

     "Another excellent idea, my son. I will let you talk to the leatherworker and one of my ladies will talk to the stable master then."

     Loki stands up and kisses the top of his mother's forehead like she has done to him since he can remember.

     "Thank you, mother. I will talk with one after she chooses her horse. Goodnight."

     She quickly leans towards him and kisses his cheek. "I am proud of you, Loki. Taking care of someone is a noble thing. Goodnight and sweet dreams, sweetheart."

     Loki's cheeks get pink and he looks down as he walks back out the door.

     "Goodnight, Lady Sigrid."

     "Goodnight, Prince Loki."

     Loki closes the door quietly behind him and Lady Sigrid walks over to Queen Frigga. She is smiling a small smile as she gazes into the fire. She looks up, a proud look in her eyes.

     "Did you hear all that, Sigrid?"

     "Yes, your Majesty. I can go talk to the stable master if you would like."

     Queen Frigga shakes her head. "No need to do it tonight, but thank you for offering to do so. You can send Dagny out to do that before breakfast so the stable master knows before Loki takes her over after they break their fast."

     "Consider it done, Queen Frigga." Lady Sigrid pauses for a moment before she continues. "He cares about her very much, doesn't he?"

     Queen Frigga smiles. "He does. You see it too?"

     "Clear as day. I am happy he finally has a good friend. He seems happier ever since they became friends."

     Queen Frigga nods and turns away to smile a secret smile towards the fire.

     "He does seem much happier now. I am also very happy my son has found a friend. A best friend. She brings out a lightness in him that he has tried to stifle because of his father." She turns back to Lady Sigrid. "He has this idea that he should try and resemble King Odin's seriousness and stillness."

     "Is that why he has become quieter and pensive these past couple of years?"

     "It is. Especially because his brother is not. He feels like at least one of them should try and be more kingly. The louder and brasher Thor becomes, the quieter and more introspective Loki becomes. She seems to be bringing back some of his lighter, playful side of him."

     "She's her own person for someone so young. She's helping him become his own person. Or making him comfortable in being who he is again."

     "I agree. She has brought all the childlike wonder and fun back into his life. He needs a friend like that. I am thankful for that. Very thankful."

Part One - A New Beginning (Loki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now