Chapter Thirty- Five - Guilty, Innocents

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     I am the last person to be called up to receive my token. Loki was the first one to be called up and when Lady Sif went to get hers he whispered "I'm not guilty" to me. Lady Sif didn't say anything to me, she just smiled. As I walk up to Queen Frigga, I look around the room trying to see if anyone looks suspicious, but everyone looks completely normal. I make it up to the front of the hall and curtsy in front of Queen Frigga. She smiles and holds out her hand.

     I cup mine together and she places my token in my hands and whispers so quietly I almost don't hear her.

     "It's just you."

     I look down at my token and a bright red "G" on the token before it disappears. I feel my eyes get bigger before I realize what Queen Frigga said was about the game. I smile wide and look at her.

     "Thank you, Your Majesty. Lady Dagny may want to follow me out of the hall as soon as we are dismissed."

     Her face doesn't move but I see I surprised her by looking into her eyes. I turn and quickly make my way back to my seat next to Loki. He looks like he's about to ask me something when Queen Frigga stands up.

     "Thank you, everyone, who came up to receive a token for the game. Let us all adjourn to the designated area to watch the play that has been prepared for us. We shall be watching everything intently and will announce when the game has been won."

     I get up quickly and say "Loki, could you please save me a seat? I need to go ask my mom something and then go to the bathroom."

     He nods. "Are you sure? I can teleport us around."

     I shake my head. "No, thank you. Just save me a seat. Get good ones though!"

     I make my way over to the front table again keeping an eye on Loki and Lady Sif. Once he disappears and she joins Thor and his friends, I move towards the hall and keep moving slowly. Once I turn around the corner, I start running and I hear Lady Dagny following me.

     "I didn't know I would be running or I would've worn better shoes. And you're supposed to be stealthy you know."

     I laugh and slow down. "But I run around often, Dagny. Therefore, someone seeing me run is quite normal."

     Lady Dagny laughs. "Oh, there you go. You're starting to sound like Prince Loki with those longer words. Now, where are we going?"

     "To get my weapon."

     Her eyes get big. "You already know how you're going to kill everyone?"

     I nod. "Yes. And I'm going to kill them all at the same time too."

     Lady Dagny smiles. "So poison then. But how...of course. The toast!"

     "Exactly. Lady Sif and Loki both said that Queen Frigga wouldn't choose me to be the guilty one because this is my first time playing. They also said I was the youngest in this year's group. Now they'll see that it doesn't matter how young I am or that it's my first time playing. I am playing to win and to beat Lady Sif's record of how many people she killed at the same time."

     Lady Dagny looks at me funny. "Remind me to never get on your bad side, little Valkyrie."


     The little Valkyrie grabs her "poison" and wiggles her eyebrows making Lady Dagny laugh. They make their way to where the refreshments are and she empties her poison into two big jugs of ale. Then she asks two ladies to please serve that only to those competing in the game. They smile and nod as they put their fingers to their lips. They take the jugs and begin pouring only to those playing the game.

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