Chapter Twenty-Five - Fallen Feast

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Dreyma pronounced DREH-ay-mah, means dream and is Kyrie's new foal

Brynjar pronounced BRIN-yahr, Kyrie's father

     "Kyrie, you have to go get ready for the feast of the fallen. You can come to visit Dreyma and Elding again tomorrow after your lessons like you have the past two days."

     I don't move and keep petting Dreyma through the fence. Loki nudges me with his elbow. I sigh and look at him.

     "Do I really have to go?"

     Loki doesn't say anything for a bit and looks at the other horses before he looks at me again.

     "You do not have to if it is too much for you, Kyrie. Sometimes those left behind attend because the feast is in honor of their loved one who died in battle. Sometimes it is too difficult for them to attend."

     "I'm scared that going will make me really sad again."

     I feel Loki's hand squeeze my shoulder and I put my head on his hand.

     "I am here for you, Kyrie. I will help you find your way back if it happens again."

     I try my best to smile at him as I look up at him. "I don't feel as scared to go anymore. Thank you."

     He smiles a small smile too and lets his hand drop. "You are welcome."

     I turn back to Dreyma and kiss her head. "I'll be back tomorrow, I promise."

     She makes a soft sound before walking over to another foal. Loki and I turn and start walking back to the castle.

     "So what will happen at the feast?"

     "Many stories of those who have gone. From things they said or did to make others laugh to things they did on the battlefield. Sometimes a story will be shared of them saving someone's life. Maybe you will learn things about your father tonight. You never know."

     I nod. "Maybe."

     "And maybe, these new stories will make you smile."

     "I hope so. Have you heard if my mom will be at the feast?"

     Loki shakes his head. "I have not. But I am sure she will be. I would have heard otherwise from my mother already."

     "Do you think you will be able to sit next to me during the feast?"

     Loki smiles. "Actually, yes. Today, Thor and I can sit wherever we want. Some of the people that helped lead others through the battles will be sitting up with our parents."

     "I'm happy they have to sit with your parents so you can sit with me."

     "Me too."


     King Odin is standing in front of his seat at the head table and hits his staff once silencing those gathered in the hall. Everyone turns to look at the King.

     "Tonight we hold this feast in honor of our fallen brethren who so courageously fought alongside us. Let us take a moment of silence to remember those who gave their lives to protect, to help, to shield. A moment of silence for those who fought with every last breath to honor their warrior code."

     Some people bow their heads, some simply close their eyes. A few tears fall silently on the cheeks of the grief-stricken. After a minute of silence, King Odin raises his cup.

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