Chapter Fifteen - "It's Today"

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It's today.

     I wake up with my heart beating as fast as it can go, my sheets tangled around my legs, and my mom shaking me awake.

     "Sweetheart, breathe. You're dreaming. It was a dream," she says as she wipes sweat off my forehead.

     I hold on tight to the one thing I can still remember from my dream: something bad will happen in a battle.

It's today.

     The bad feeling is so strong, I feel like crying and I can't even remember why. I tell my mom I'm fine and start getting dressed as fast as I can.

It's today.

     I need to talk to Queen Frigga and see if there's anything she can do to help me remember what I dreamt. Maybe it helps.

It's today.

     "Mom, is Queen Frigga still in her room this early?"

     "Usually. But last night she left to center herself and clear her magical pathways. She leaves by herself when the moon is at its highest point in the sky. We don't really know where she goes or what she does but it helps her."

It's today.

     "Why do you ask, dear?"

     "I wanted to see if she could help me try and figure out what my dream meant. Is breakfast out this early?"

     "Not yet, but it will be soon."

     I finish getting ready before my mom even finishes up in the bathroom.

     "I'll go wait for it then."

It's today.

     I take off running and I don't stop running until I get to Loki's room. I knock on the door a few times and wait for him to open it. Right as I'm about to knock again, he opens the door and takes a step back as his eyes get big.

     "Kyrie, what are you doing up so early?"

     "It's today. Whatever the bad feeling is about happens today."

     His face changes from being surprised to serious. He pokes his head out and looks around before pulling me in through the door. He pushes it so it closes behind us and pulls me over to a couch next to a small bookcase.

     "What happened?"

     "I don't know. But the feeling is telling me it's today. And I finally remembered something from my dream. I think whatever bad thing is supposed to happen today happens at a battle somewhere."

     Loki stiffens and it looks like all the color on his face is gone. "You do not remember anything specific?"

     "No. All I remember is two men fighting on grass. One of them looked bigger and taller than the other guy though. And hairier than the smaller man."

     "I need to speak to my mother immediately -"

     "But she's not here. My mom said she left last night to clean her magic pathways when the moon was at the highest point in the sky. Why? Loki, is it bad?"

     Loki takes my hand and squeezes it. "I am not sure, Kyrie. Do not get worried or scared when we do not have more information. Remember what I said?"

     I nod as I take a deep breath in and out. "Before you respond with emotion, you need all the information otherwise you waste time and thoughts."

     He nods at me once. "Exactly. I need to get dressed. You can head over to get some breakfast while we wait to get more information. Do not wait for me to eat, Kyrie. I will eat a bit later."

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