Chapter Thirty-Six - Jól Presents

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Two Weeks Later

     "Did you know Jól ends today?" I ask Dreyma and Elding.

     I'm sitting on a blanket that Birgir keeps in the stables for me as I lean on a fence post. I started visiting the horses almost every day after Dreyma chose me. Birgir noticed that on days I have dresses on I stay standing the whole time so I don't get the dress dirty. I mean, sometimes it still gets a little dirty. But not as dirty as it would be if I sat on the ground with my dress on. Anyway, since he keeps a blanket for me in the stables now, if I want to sit while I'm visiting the horses I can.

     When I have my training clothes on, I help brush Elding, Silfrtopp, Dreyma, or a couple of other foals that like getting brushed by me. Some days I go to the kitchens and ask Erika if I can take a carrot or an apple for Elding and Silfrtopp to eat. When I do, they get even more excited to see me. Being around the horses is fun, and it helps me not be too sad about my dad. I still think about him every day and sometimes that happens when I'm here at the stables or in the fenced field.

     And Elding or Dreyma help distract me. Sometimes I feel like they either know or can feel my feelings because they help stop me from being too sad. Elding puts his head near my hands so I can pet or hug him. Dreyma pushes me with her head trying to get me to play with her. Almost like I'm another foal in there with her which makes me laugh. I chase her around and she chases me back. Loki has found me here a lot, a few times to remind me it's time for lunch or dinner.

     I apologize every time because I feel bad that he has to come to find me, but he always says he doesn't mind. He also teases me and says that finding me isn't hard to do at all. He told me that he only looks for me here with the horses after he's checked the library or the hall. I guess that's true because I don't go on rides without him and I only go to my room to change or sleep really. But training with Loki and Lady Sif and doing the random lady lesson take up the rest of my time when I'm not with Loki or reading or visiting the horses.

     Now that I've started to practice my magic again with Queen Frigga, I have even less free time. I started right before the Jól celebrations started. I try to practice outside of lessons too. Since I don't want to use my foresight, which is what Queen Frigga calls it, I have started practicing trying to read thoughts. I told Queen Frigga that I had tried that once with Loki when I held his hand by our secret waterfall. She says that with enough practice, I might be able to read people's minds without having to touch them.

     "Do you know why Loki told me to meet him here, Elding?" I ask him as I look around for my best friend.

     Elding shakes his head with a soft noise and I laugh.

     "If he did tell you, and I think he did, you wouldn't tell me anyway if you could speak," I laugh.

     "I would never trust him to keep a secret from you, Kyrie. He loves you more than any other person. I am sure if he could speak, he would happily tell you anything you wanted to know that he has heard," says Loki, his voice coming from behind me.

     I look up and smile at Loki's upside-down face. "I think he'd tell me things too if he could." I get up and brush off the back of my dress. Then I turn to Loki. "Ok. I am ready for my Jól surprise! I can't believe you made me wait until the last day of celebrations to give it to me."

     Loki laughs and shakes his head. "It is tradition, Kyrie. You exchange gifts on the last day. And you made me wait until today as well."

     "That's different! I had to finish making mine. I've been really busy with all kinds of lessons you know."

     Loki smiles and says "Busy with lessons, visiting horses, and reading too. We cannot forget that."

     My cheeks get hot. "Well, yes. And spending time with you! I don't know how I can do it all but I do."

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