Chapter Twenty-Two - Getting Through

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New Character Name List

Birgir pronounced BEER-gheer, stablemaster

     I smile when I see where we're going. "I knew we were going to go for a ride."

     Loki smiles. "We are not going for a ride, Kyrie."

     I look at him, confused. "Loki, I can see the stables and we're walking towards them."

     "We are going to the stables but we are not going for a ride. Your surprise is not that easy to give to you."

     I start walking faster and I hear Loki chuckle. "Then we're not walking fast enough because now I really can't wait to see what my surprise is."

     I make it to the front of the stables with Loki right behind me. Stigandr is near the door and he walks up to us quickly.

     "The horses are ready for you, Prince Loki. Lady Sigrid let the stablemaster know this morning to expect you."

     "Thank you, Stigandr. Where is Birgir?"

     "He is out there waiting for you just in case he needs to step in if a mare gets too protective."

     I am more confused now because what I just heard doesn't make sense to me but Loki seems happy.

     He looks at me and asks "Are you ready for your surprise?"

      "Yes. I have no idea what it is. I can't guess it."

     Loki smiles. "That was the general idea, Kyrie. Follow me."

     We walk out another door that leads to a couple of places that have fences around it. I've seen horses getting trained to be ridden before but this time the bigger area has more than one horse inside it. I gasp as I see the small horses in with big horses and a man is in there with them. We stop right next to the fence and I bend down to look through a gap between the wooden fence.

     "How old are the baby horses?"

     He bends down next to me. "The foals are just days old, Kyrie."

     "Thank you for my surprise, Loki. I didn't know that horses had been born so I hadn't come down to try and see them."

     I watch as a couple of foals run around chasing each other and another one is sniffing the ground near a big horse. For the first time in a few days, I feel warm inside my heart. But then I remember why and the warm feeling is gone. My eyes start to get watery and my heart hurts again.

     Loki whispers "Kyrie, come back to me. You are allowed to be happy and to keep living your life even if he is not here to see it."


     She looks up at him, tears spilling from her eyes, and the grief is reflected in them again. She shakes her head and looks at the ground once more. Loki feels like his heart is being squeezed as she cries in complete silence.

     "Kyrie, do not hold on to that so tightly. It is not your fault. Please, listen to me. You can be happy. He would want you to be happy."

     Her voice is barely a whisper as she says "But I miss him so much it hurts and it feels like it is my fault. I didn't help him."

     Loki takes one of her hands in both of his and grips it tightly. She looks at him and he can see that she still believes this.

Part One - A New Beginning (Loki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now