Chapter Five - Loki Shares

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     One Month Later

     "Are you sure you got enough to eat, sweetheart?" My mom asks one more time while I get up from the table.

     I close my eyes ready to tell her I did, again, as I start getting annoyed and embarrassed that she's talking to me like I'm five in front of my best friend.

     Before I say anything, Loki says, "Don't worry. I will make sure our little Valkyrie gets food if she gets hungry, Lady Astrid."

     Mom's cheeks turn pink and she smiles. "Thank you, Loki. I feel much better knowing you take care of her."

     I see Loki's cheeks turn pink too and I grab his hand. "Ok, mom. I have to go learn things now."

     I pull him with me as I walk away, too excited to wait. I let go of his hand and start skipping down the hall.

     Loki asks, "Kyrie, did you know you came to the castle a month ago today?"

     I stop skipping, smiling at the nickname he gave me a week ago when I told him I wanted to start training with Lady Sif. He catches up to me and we keep walking down the hall together.

     "No, I didn't. Lessons with you are really fun so I forget what day it is. And I've learned so much already! Riding horses is fun. I will be reading Runes more easily in no time!"

     Loki says, "You really are a fast learner. It makes it easier for me to teach you."

     "Because I'm not horrible at learning things?"

     Loki smiles a bit and says, "Yes, exactly that."

     I stop walking, crossing my arms together and Loki turns around looking at me like he's confused.

     I say, "Loki, stop it. Just smile already! I tell you this every day. It doesn't matter what you see or hear. Men still have feelings, even my dad and your dad. And you have a great smile. I like it when you smile because it means you're happy and I want my best friend happy."

     Loki smiles at me shaking his head and I smile back before we keep going.

     "You look awfully proud of yourself, Kyrie."

     I laugh and say, "I am." He looks at me like he can't with me so I keep going, "Well it's not like smiling is hard Loki. You just need to let your smiles out."

     We get settled in the library and Loki is helping me with Runes for a long time when we hear my stomach rumble.

     He laughs and says, "Hold on. I will have food brought to us."

     He closes his eyes and sits quietly for a bit before he opens his eyes again. He's done that two other times and now I can't help but ask what he does when he concentrates like that.

     "Remember when I first showed you my magic here? When I made a double of me?"

     I nod and say, "A second Loki. I remember that. It was great!"

     Loki smiles a small smile at me before he continues. "I can do that to faraway places. I have been practicing getting further and further away from my real body. The kitchen is not too far from here, so I can project my double over there and ask someone to bring us food."

     I gasp. "They can hear you too!?"

     "Yes. They can see part of my body. From the top of my head to near my belly button now and I can speak and actually have people hear me finally. It has taken a bit of practice, but I practice every day. Once I master how to do that magic properly, I should be able to go really far away and have people see my whole body."

Part One - A New Beginning (Loki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now