Chapter Seven - Frigga's Words

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     Did my ears hear what I think they heard? Am I dreaming? "You would really train me?"

     "Of course, little one. You are a warm ball of light. Not to mention, my son's best friend. I would love to help you get started. Once Loki has more practice for his own magic, he could help you."

     I look at Loki and he gives me a small smile and nods. I turn back to Frigga and I can't help but hug her.

     "Yes, thank you Queen - I mean your majesty!"

     She hugs me back and says, "It is still just us little one, you can call me Frigga." She lets go and continues, "Now go find your mother and tell her the great news!"

     I jump up and skip to the door before I realize that Loki hasn't followed me. I turn around and see that he hasn't moved.

     "You can come with me Loki. You helped me find my magic, you know."

     Loki says, "I have to ask my mother something so you go ahead. We can meet back in the library so we can figure out what we will do with the rest of our day now that your "mist" has been sorted out."

     "Ok then! I'll see you in the library!" I skip my way out the door looking for my mom.


     Loki turns and walks over to his mother. Before he can say anything she speaks first.

     "You want to know why I am going to begin her training and not you."

     Loki nods. "Do I not know enough about magic? Or is it because I do not have foresight?"

     Frigga looks at her son before patting the space on the couch next to her. He sits and she takes one of his hands in both of hers.

     "I will not lie to you. Part of the reason is that I do have the gift of foresight and you do not. As such, I have foreseen many things that have and have not come to be and if bad things can be changed, I try to help change them. But I have seen something that cannot be changed. She is too young to see such things, my son, the burden is too heavy."

     "The bad feeling she felt."

     "Yes. I believe she may have seen pieces in her dreams but her own mind protects her. I will guide her while protecting her until the time comes. And it is almost upon us. Though I did not see needing to shield her. I believe she is right. Spending time with you and being around magic has awakened her own faster than it would have if you had not become so close."

     Loki frowns distraught at this and looks away before whispering, "Then it is my fault she cannot begin to practice."

     Frigga cups Loki's cheek bringing his face back to hers.

     "You misunderstand me, my loving son. It is because of you that her magic has awoken. Without you, it would have taken much longer since she would have focused on all the other lessons she does. You have not hurt her, you have helped her. She is just too young to see unchangeable tragedy and so I need to protect her from her magic until she is ready."

     "I helped her then? Do you promise, mother?"

     She kisses his forehead and holds his hand with both of hers once more.

     "I promise, little love. You have done nothing wrong. In fact, you will help her more than you realize. Be strong my son, she will need you very soon."

     Loki stiffens. "Is she in danger?" Frigga shakes her head and Loki visibly relaxes. "Then what must I do?"

     "Be her friend. Friendships bring with them a strong bond that no other bond can achieve. Just be yourself and be strong for her. You will know of what I speak when the time comes. You are my son after all, even if you try hard to be different."

Part One - A New Beginning (Loki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now